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The following rulebook is in development.

I – Introduction
II – Basic regulations
III – Induction protocol
IV – Standard protocol
V – Active protocol
VI – Hierarchy
VII - Projects
*Edgy speech goes here.*

All raidable forts have several levels of alert that warrant differing action to counter it.

One or several raiders are online, but they either aren't aggressive or can be easily repressed by present operatives.
Level 0 alerts may be declared on the game chat.

Several raiders seem to be acting in an organized fashion - group of operatives online needs to actively repress them.
Level 1 alerts may be declared on the discord chat.

There is a serious raider presence, and present operatives cannot repress them without support.
Level 2 alerts may be declared on the announcements, and warrant an immediate response project mobilization.

The raiders are too strong to withhold, even with reinforcements - hope is lost without serious action. Must have had a Level 2 alert previously.
Level 3 alerts must be declared on the announcements, and warrant the direct contacting of HRs to do so.


On Command mobilization, for a raid, defense or otherwise all of the following rules apply.

On joining the server, all operatives must signal their presence in the following format: [Codename] reporting.
>If you do not have a codename, simply say 'Reporting'.
>If you are a member of the Control+, the format changes to [Codename] online.

On leaving the server, it is preferred that operatives sign off using: [Codename] signing off.
>If you do not have a codename, simply say 'Signing off'.
>The format is the same for all ranks.
>If you leave due to unforeseen circumstances such as a loss of connection, let whoever was in charge of the event know as soon as possible.

During a raid, you may be assigned a unit.
>Be sure to memorize your unit commander.
>Be sure to figure out whether you are the most senior agent in the unit - if so, you will be in charge should the Commander die.
>If you die, DO NOT run back into battle. Stay at the spawn and regroup with with the rest of your unit until you receive further instructions.
>>Your unit commander's orders DO NOT apply to you until your entire unit has regrouped or remobilized.
The following abbreviations are to be used whenever the specified event occurs. This list may be added upon by your Branch Director, for your specific branch.

The following may be said by any operative, though it would preferably be by whomever is in charge of the unit. Please take care to ONLY communicate something once, as spamming the chat leads to confusion. In other words, if someone has already said it, you don't have to. Also, though it may not always be necessary, it is preferable if you specify the unit you are in when calling a comm or giving an order. (The correct format for this would look something like [Unit] : [Comm or order])

S : Spotted [You have spotted someone that you are sure is a hostile.]
C : Contact [You are engaging or preparing to engage a hostile.]
D : Down [You have been killed.]
TN : Threat Neutralized [The enemy or group of enemies that you were engaging is wiped out.]
EI : Engagement Inconclusive [You can no longer engage the enemy - at least one side has retreated.]
UF : Unit Failure [Your entire unit has been destroyed - the last person killed says this. Be sure to specify which unit you were in.]
The following may ONLY be communicated by the unit commander. However, if they are not available, the most senior agent in the unit is automatically placed into his position.

E : Echo [You have been issued an order by the raid commander, and are confirming that you have heard and are responding to the order.]
RB : Requesting Backup [You are engaging or preparing to engage an enemy that you are not sure you can handle.]
UCD [Unit] : Unit Commander Down [You were the Unit Commander and have been killed.]
TC [Unit] : Taking Control of [Unit] [Your unit commander has been killed, and you are taking charge.]

I> : Advance [You are ordering your unit to advance using the standard method - with common sense.]
>> : Charge [You are ordering your unit to run into the thick of battle.]
<< : Fall back [You are ordering your unit to run to the nearest safe location.]
<> : Spread [You are ordering your unit to make space between themselves.]
>< : Regroup [You are ordering your unit to gather on your location.]

Reporting status is important for the commander in charge of the raid to know what is going on. At times, he may request your unit to give status. When reporting, you need to include three things: first, the unit you are in. This can be abbreviated. Second, your current manpower. Third, what you are doing, which may be S - stable, M - mobile, or E - engaging. Here is an example:

Green, status?

G : 5/7 M

If you fear that you will be killed as you type, you can just echo back to confirm that you've heard the commander. However, try to provide a report as soon as you are more or less safe.
The following orders may ONLY be issued by the commander in charge of the raid - the unit commander DOES NOT have the authority to use these unless otherwise specified.

[Unit] mobilize. [This gives permission to the unit members waiting at the spawn to go back into battle and regroup with their unit commander.]
[Unit] automobilize. [This gives permission to dead unit members to regroup with their commander as soon as they respawn.]
[Unit] demobilize. [This reverts automobilize, and orders dead unit members to regroup at the spawn until further instruction.]
[Unit] status. [This requests information about the unit - see the correct format above.]
[Unit] echo. [This requests the unit commander to echo back, to confirm that he has been receiving the Commander's orders.]
Standby operatives echo. [This requests all operatives waiting at the spawn to echo back, including their unit.]

Awaiting Placement
*New member that hasn’t been sorted yet.*

*An enemy of the Command.*

Standard Enforcement
*A new operative that hasn’t yet been admitted to the mainstream force.*

Agent I
*Fresh operative. Basic knowledge of protocol.* ***Eligible to apply for a classification code [See induction protocol], as well as to apply for a project.***

Agent II
*Junior operative. Competent in protocol, competent in skill.*

Agent III
*Experienced operative. Advanced in protocol, effective in skill.*

Agent IV
*Senior operative. Effective in protocol, effective in skill.*

Agent V
*Advanced operative. Effective in protocol, effective in skill. Determined.*

Unit Command
*In charge of a group of operatives. Pass the Authority Installation Program.*

PoI / Negotiator
*Nonstandard rank - given to diplomats as well as other important persons.*

*Low Officer - tasked with coordinating several units and co-hosting events.*

*Tasked with overseeing and logging an operation, as well as hosting events.*

*In charge of managing a project. Handpicked by the Oligarchy.*

*Permanent developer or in charge of a low management office. Handpicked by their respective superiors.*

*In charge of development or a high management office. Selection process classified.*

Head of State
*In charge of overseeing the Command. Selection process classified.*


General trainings can only advance you to Agent III - in order to continue, you must enlist in a project. Projects, or divisions, are specialized branches of the Command, each dealing with its own set of operations.

**While a project may be in charge of a certain action, the action does not have to be project-exclusive unless that is deemed necessary. Other project members may attend - the project in charge will simply take priority.**
The list of projects is as follows:

Shock Project: In charge of frontline invasions.
*During offensive movements, Shock Project operatives will be treated as the elite and will take on the most dangerous tasks.*
*During defensive responses, Shock Project operatives will be treated as standard agents.*

Response Project: In charge of manning defensive apparatus.
*During offensive movements, Response Project operatives will be treated as standard agents.*
*During defensive responses, Response Project operatives will man defensive apparatus such as towers, control stations and machineguns. The most senior response agent online will be granted commandership until a member of the command arrives.*

Support Project: In charge of providing medical assistance.
*During offensive movements, Support Project operatives will be spread among units, if medical equipment is granted. Otherwise, they will be treated as standard agents.*
*During defensive responses, Support Project operatives will be spread among units.*

Intelligence Project: In charge of collecting information on groups of interest.
*This project's operations can vary, but are generally classified.*

Black Lifeguard: In charge of providing protection to certain persons.
*During offensive movements, Black Lifeguard operatives will be assigned to protect the commander in charge, and/or other persons as needed.*
*During defensive responses, Black Lifeguard operatives will be assigned to protect HR stations.*
*During general business, Black Lifeguard operatives may be assigned to protect any high-ranking personnel online.*
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Regards; Team

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