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What were the main issues of concern in post-slavery society during this time?
Transition from slavery to freedom??
3 main debates: land, control of labor, and political power
Former planters want slaves to keep doing the same work they were doing as before, but getting paid and not under control
Blacks in US were allowed to vote

What were the details of Presidential Reconstruction?
Andrew Johnson becomes president
Hated upper class/aristocrats
Johnson not suited to take up Lincoln's mess
Johnson believed in state rights; claimed secession illegal
Racist, believed African Americans did nothing to spur the Reconstruction
Johnson offered a pardon to all southerners who took an oath of allegiance to the Union except Confederate leaders and wealthy planters, but they eventually got individual pardons
Appointed provisional governors who called state elections run by whites only to establish local govts.
Rise of confederates again!!!

How did the Radical Republicans view government?
Didn't like Johnson's state governments
Wanted the dissolution of the governments- new ones where blacks guaranteed right to vote
All Radicals believed that Union victory created a perfect opportunity for equal rights for all men

What was the 14th Amendment’s significance?
Claimed that all people born in the US as citizens and share the same rights, regardless of race
Equality before the law
Any citizen can make contracts, bring lawsuits, and enjoy = protection of property
At first, these values in bill vetoed by Johnson, and congress failed to pass by 1 vote
Eventually, Congress reconstructed these values into an amendment and passed it w/out president's approval
However, did not grant blacks right to vote-- instead a compromise for whites: don't let blacks vote, less ppl in the house of representatives

What was the plan of Radical Reconstruction?
Divide South into five military sections
Create new state govts, but this time blacks get to vote
Motives: right to vote for blacks, equality for radicals, disgust with johnson, fortify republicans, keep ex-confederates from being in office

Why was Andrew Johnson impeached?
Congress passed an act where president couldn't fire certain cabinet officers, but Johnson did
Put on trial to be impeached
Many considered Johnson a failure of a president
However, some didn't want his vice president to step up (Wade)
One vote short of impeachment!
Ulysses S Grant would eventually take office

What was the 15th Amendment?
All citizens are allowed to vote, regardless of race
DID NOT extend to women
AASS disbands

Describe the goals of women and Radical Republicans
Suffrage rights?
Radical Republicans: UNIVERSAL RIGHTS
Women: their own "emancipation", promise of free labor, divorce rights, control of their own body

What were the social and political effects of Radical Reconstruction in the South?
Blacks could now be considered citizens, not just whites
Dred Scott case ruling now exempt
Federal government much more important than earlier "custodian of freedom"
Affected blacks but not asians nor women

What were the political actions of African-Americans?
At mass political meetings, blacks staked claim of equal citizenship
nothing more, nothing less than the equal treatment w/ whites
Many joined the Union League
Blacks were in every level of government

What was the economic outlook for whites and blacks in the Reconstruction South?
Reconstruction govt looked to improve opportunities for african americans economically
railroad construction KEY
economic development remained weak

What were the accomplishments of Reconstruction?
Built the south's first state-supported public school
Schools allowed both blacks and whites, but still segregated
Blacks integrated into society gradually
Land Comission
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