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To dream of seeing yourself running from a fire that is raging wildly and approaching you is a warning that you need to be more careful when you are acting and expressing your opinions around other people in order to not cause an offense or make them uncomfortable around you. If you do not hurry to correct this problem, then you may face situations later that will negatively affect your life.
Dreaming about running away or escaping from an elephant, especially if it is being aggressive towards you could be a symbol of resilience. There could be people who are trying or would soon try to restrain, limit or control you. They would do so by criticizing you, giving you orders and bossing you around. They would believe they were right about everything, and that you knew nothing at all. However, you would be able to resist their restrictive pressure and controlling behavior. You would successfully free yourself from their influence.
Dreaming consistently about meteors hitting the earth has negative connotations. It symbolizes the destruction and devastation which you may have to face in your waking life. The imagery of people caught in the midst of this disaster refers to the chaos in your own life. It could possibly allude to you receiving some unpleasant news which would have a depressing effect on you. You could soon receive information about the passing of a loved one or someone you know closely. It is important for you to stay strong and keep yourself resilient if these troubled times do arrive.
Having a nightmare with the Moon hovering over the horrific scene and adding to the frightening details, such as falling victim to a serial killer in a deserted place with only the Moon and the eerie surroundings as the silent witnesses to the crime, is an ominous sign indicating a painful separation in waking life. It could pertain to a divorce, a falling out with a loved one, a legal decision over child custody or a death in the family.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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