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Hogwarts Care of magical creatures -

Description: A Hippogriff is a magical creature that has the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle and the body, hind legs and tail of a horse. It is very similar to another mythical creature, the Griffin, with the horse rear replacing the lion rear. The Hippogriff should be allowed to make the first move, as this is polite. If offended, it may attack. Hippogriffs are tameable, but only by experts in their care. Although proud, Hippogriffs can also be fiercely loyal and protective of those who have earned their trust, as demonstrated by Buckbeak on at least two occasions.

Food: The diet of the Hippogriff consists mainly of insects, birds, and small mammals such as ferrets. They will sometimes paw at the ground for worms if no other food is readily available.

Breeding: When breeding, Hippogriffs build nests on the ground, and lay only a single, fragile egg. The egg usually hatches in twenty-four hours. Infant Hippogriffs are capable of flight within a week, but it takes many months before they are strong enough to accompany their parents on long journeys.


Description: The Flobberworm is a ten-inch, toothless brown worm. It is a fairly boring creature. Each end is identical to the other, each end chews vegetation and from both it exudes mucus which is sometimes used to thicken potions. It moves very little and prefers to live in damp ditches.

Food: It eats vegetation, especially lettuce and cabbage.


Description: The salamander is a small fire dwelling lizard that feeds on flames. They are born out of flames, specifically called salamander fires, and appear to be blue or red depending on the heat of the flames. They live as long as the flames that spawned them. The salamander can survive outside out of the flames that birthed it for up to six hours if fed on pepper. Salamander blood has powerful regenerative and curative properties. Muggle world salamanders are amphibians, not lizards, and have no affinity for fire. It's unknown if salamanders can shed their skin like Muggle world salamanders. There are different types of salamanders, such as the blue and the scarlet variety. The maximum number of hours a salamander can survive out of fire and the amount of legs most salamanders have is used in the runic alphabet to represent the number six.

Blast-Ended Skrewt:

Description: The Blast-Ended Skrewt is a hybrid creature bred by Rubeus Hagrid in the autumn of 1994, by crossing Manticores and Fire crabs. Whether Hagrid used magic or somehow got the two to mate is unknown. Newly hatched Skrewts looked like pale, slimy deformed shell-less lobsters. They have legs sticking out at odd angles. They are about six inches long and smell strongly of rotten fish. Sparks fly out of their rear ends every so often, which propells them forward a few inches. The males have stingers and the females have suckers on their body to suck blood. The skrewts do not hibernate during winter.


Description: A Niffler is a creature with a long snout and a coat of black, fluffy fur.They are attracted to shiny things, which makes them wonderful for locating treasure, but this also means that they could wreak havoc if kept, or set loose, indoors. Niffler's in general are usually harmless. Nifflers were rodent-like creatures with a long snout similar to that of a platypus and a coat of black, fluffy fur. Native to Britain, they lived in burrows as deep as twenty feet below ground, and produced six to eight young in a single litter.
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