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Buffalo Creek & Hurricane Katrina
By: Sydney White 8th hour

There are a lot of similarities between the Buffalo Creek and Hurricane Katrina disaster. From people who didn't evacuate in time, and how they felt that the government didn't respond in enough time.

What things were the most similar from both disasters? The first similarities were that people didn't evacuate in time. In Buffalo Creek people only had 2 minutes to get out of the area. Hurricane Katrina, people had the chance to evacuate to safety in enough time. Another example is from the destruction of the disasters. They both ripped through the towns they went passed and cost billions of dollars in the damage alone. to conclude, Both of the disasters were very similar and destructive in many ways.

What was most frustrated from the victims of the disasters was that the government didn't respond until hours and even days prior to them happening. And the government didn't send the help to the people who desperately needed it the most.

People from both disasters blamed reasons for the tragedies that happened. From Buffalo Creek, People blamed the coal company for all the coal waste that was built up over the years. From Hurricane Katrina, the citizens blamed the levee system that was supposed to hold the water out from the hurricane.

Buffalo Creek and Hurricane Katrina were both devastating disasters that socked the United States. The bad decisions ended up bad luck and good luck for some during the destructions.

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