NotesWhat is

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Advantage - something that makes an organism more likely to survive
Asexual reproduction - reproducing by making an exact copy of a single organism
Cancer - uncontrolled cell division
Chromosome - condensed structure of DNA that contains many genes that are visible in the nucleus during mitosis
Crossing over - chromosomes exchange parts of their DNA during meiosis
Disadvantage - something that makes an organism less likely to survive
Diversity - includes many different types of things
Egg - female gamete
Expend - to spend or use up
Exposure - coming into contact with something
Gamete - sex cells
Gene - piece of DNA needed to make one protein or determine one characteristic in an organism
Genetic variation - difference in the genes of a species, important for the survival of a species
Identical - exactly alike
Law of Independent Assortment - genes for different features separate into newly formed sex cells separately
Law of Segregation - when gametes are made, the chromosomes separate into the new cells at random
Maintain - keep the same
Mate - partner needed for sexual reproduction
Meiosis - type of cell division that produces sex cells with half of the DNA needed to make an organism
Mitosis - division of the nucleus that will make an exact copy of a cell for growth or cell replacement with all of the DNA needed to make an organism
Mutation - permanent change in the DNA
Occurrence - how often something happens
Offspring - children
Radiation - energy waves that cannot be seen that can damage cells and DNA
Random fertilization - the combination of egg and sperm cells happens by chance
Recombination - any event that results in new combinations of genetic material
Reproduction - making more organisms
Sexual reproduction - reproducing by combining the DNA of two organisms to make one organism
Species - a group of closely related organisms that are capable of producing offspring that can produce offspring
Sperm - male gamete
Variation - changes or differences
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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