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Dedication: heyy Sig
Sidecar: Laggg
Sidecar: HI HANNAH
Dedication: hruuuu
Sidecar: Welcome arate 5!!
Sidecar: Rate*
Sidecar: Im good wbu?
Dedication: ill
Dedication: lmao
Dedication: and still depressrf
Dedication: depressed*
Sidecar: oh do u have a fever
Dedication: idk
Dedication: maybe
Sidecar: depressed? over what
Dedication: have you not been told yet?
Sidecar: no
Sidecar: i only know kat was upset yesterday
Sidecar: And that apparently Selena is mad at me lol
Dedication: Selena isnt mad at you
Sidecar: oh well
Dedication: shes just disappointed because of what happened
Sidecar: Kat told me so yesterday
Sidecar: LOL Like
Sidecar: Kat told me that Sel went to Sxlg and told him something that kat told her about him
Sidecar: OR somth like that
Dedication: im not really wanting to say anything about it even tho it involves me
Sidecar: So I said "well that's not something a friend would do"
Sidecar: And that's all lol
Dedication: basically Kat cheated on Roger with Jamie (Jamie is the guy i liked) they were basically flirting behind mine and Roger's back.
Dedication: i just cringed at the fact i said ''basically'' twice in the one sentence
Dedication: but yeah that happened
Sidecar: lmao
Sidecar: but omg
Sidecar: now everything makes sense
Sidecar: kat didn't tell me that you fancied jamie
Dedication: and Selena is disappointed with her
Dedication: yeah i really liked him and she was the first to know
Sidecar: that's shady
Sidecar: but
Sidecar: did kat ever apologise?
Dedication: yeah she did
Dedication: i forgave her
Dedication: but i dont think Roger has
Sidecar: no
Dedication: he was so hurt
Sidecar: roger hasn't
Sidecar: but
Sidecar: somehow
Sidecar: i think he gonna end up with baylie
Sidecar: Well tbh Kat was hurt too
Dedication: he better not
Sidecar: You know, I'm not taking sides but
Sidecar: I understand why at did what she did
Sidecar: And I also understand that she feels terrible and that karma got her good (see the Roger situation)
Dedication: yeah but why Jamie
Dedication: she knew i liked him
Sidecar: So yeah, a broken heart is more than enough
Sidecar: Well yeah
Sidecar: But then again
Sidecar: I get why she did it
Sidecar: TBH, i don't think she meant to hurt you
Sidecar: She was probably just having a hard time and he was there for her and it just happened
Sidecar: But wait, does Jamie like you?
Dedication: he did tell me he'd be stupid to not like me
Dedication: and he was calling me beautiful and shit
Sidecar: then
Sidecar: wtf from his part lol
Dedication: then he goes and hurts me by telling me ''shes perfect for me''
Sidecar: at least kat did have a reason but him?
Sidecar: z
Dedication: i argued with him
Dedication: and thats when i walked out of school
Dedication: and just walked in the darkness
Dedication: not caring what happened to me
Sidecar: huh
Sidecar: are yu going emo on me
Dedication: not caring about*
Dedication: no
Dedication: didnt you see my snap yesterday
Sidecar: no
Dedication: UGH
Dedication: speak of the devil
Dedication: he just snapped me
Sidecar: wtf he wants lol
Dedication: he sent me a snap
Dedication: of a ride
Dedication: like
Dedication: a carnival ride
Sidecar: for streaks
Sidecar: ha
Sidecar: lame
Dedication: and it was one of those swing things and his caption was ''just been on this''
Dedication: and i messaged him saying ''why didnt you fall out of it''
Dedication: z
Dedication: he didnt see it so i had to write it again
Sidecar: z
Sidecar: look hannah
Sidecar: this is imvu
Sidecar: it's a game
Sidecar: you can't take things seriously
Sidecar: NOT saying that you should be like Joss ew no
Dedication: you dont like Joss?
Sidecar: But, don't take thing from here so seriously
Dedication: whats he done whys everyone going on about him
Sidecar: Not anymore LOL
Sidecar: Because he says some things that are innadequate at some situations
Sidecar: And that is most of the time
Dedication: oh right
Sidecar: like
Sidecar: yesterday (the day i unfriended him on sc)
Sidecar: kat was really depressed
Sidecar: Like, she was really bad
Sidecar: And he just added more wood to the fire
Sidecar: and y'know, the "kys" jokes aren't funny
Sidecar: soo yeah
Sidecar: wait
Sidecar: WAIT
Sidecar: WTF
Dedication: you said dont take imvu seriously
Dedication: z
Sidecar: You liked
Dedication: hes just joking
Sidecar: Yeah, people shouldn't
Sidecar: But when you're sad and down, you take everything seriously
Sidecar: So yeah
Sidecar: BUT WAIT
Sidecar: You like(d) Jamie right
Sidecar: But yet have a bf
Sidecar: WHAT!!
Dedication: no this was a while back
Dedication: z
Dedication: well
Dedication: not that long ago
Sidecar: huh
Sidecar: girl
Dedication: Kyle is my ex i got back with him
Sidecar: All this happened 2 days ago maximum
Sidecar: Yet you have been dating someone else before those 2 days ago
Sidecar: Hmm
Sidecar: Can you really get mad at Kat
Dedication: uhm yeah
Dedication: i can
Sidecar: like
Sidecar: if you're happy with your bf
Dedication: which i am
Sidecar: Then
Sidecar: i don't getit lol
Dedication: its not even that its just the fact she knew i liked him but flirted with him
Sidecar: but she flirted
Sidecar: while u still liked him? or when you were in a relationship
Dedication: idk exactly when
Sidecar: o well
Sidecar: dude omg
Sidecar: lol why are people so stupid
Dedication: whos stupid
Sidecar: people LOL
Dedication: which people
Dedication: whats happening
Sidecar: holdon
Sidecar: im making a sc post
Dedication: okok
Guest_KXRH1: Would someone gift me
Sidecar: done fml
Sidecar: people are annoying lol
Guest_KXRH1: I'll gift u back rn
Guest_KXRH1: I'm not a noob
Guest_KXRH1: Lmao
Guest_demariamiles123: Onie
Dedication: if you're gonna gift us back then just buy your own shit
Sidecar: oh btw, no need to tell her kat to tell me to "stop going @ you" lol, im not
Guest_KXRH1: I have gifting money not buying shi for myself
Dedication: yeah you kinda are
Dedication: you're trying to say i have no reason to be upset
Sidecar: lol nono
Sidecar: I was asking the bf part bc I didn't understand
Sidecar: Like I told you
Sidecar: I'm very blunt yknow
Sidecar: thats what
Guest_Natalie4288: Boys come to me
Guest_M4545: Helio?
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