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Forgive me for the rather self-centered question but it must be asked.
I'm a quiet student who usually works very hard in class and get good marks as a result (high Bs to A range)
I recently moved to a new school where academics was less difficult and classes have a been breeze. One class in particular they had gone over a subject I had not covered in my previous school and they had a pop quiz on it. I had bombed it and burst into tears right after. She then gently told me that maybe it was better for me to go back a level which really stung because I had already passed that course with a good grade and I felt like that I had disappointed her. So I stayed after and worked with her, and she said later that ''oh, so you DO know your stuff; you did better than most students.''
I thought I had heard a slight condescending note in that statement (she walked away and then sighed) and felt even worse.
In other class, I was getting to know someone, and she offhandedly comments ''Don't worry, you're smart.'' My teacher picks wind of this statement and she says ''[name]? Smart?'' and then she laughs. I had an A in this class and I thought I was doing well but that kicked me to the curb of uncertainty again.
Sometimes it comes off subtly in other classes too, in an AP class, I came in a day and had no prior preparation for an exam and the teacher asked me to take it to see where I was. I got a 70 and she claimed it was ''excellent''. I felt as if she was sugarcoating.
(These are few examples. There ARE more.)
It's not that I can't take a compliment nor the fact that I push myself to such high standards (I do push myself to high standards but I will never tear myself down about a less than perfect grade unless I got a low B, C, D, or F on it), but I feel like in very subtle ways, they're all looking down on me or they dislike me. It could all be in my head, but the more I think about it, the more I can't see it in positive way and it really hurts.
I'm faring well in their classes, I ask questions, I go in for help, and correct any tests even ones I passed because I genuinely love learning. I try to establish a good relationship with my teachers, and I offer to help them out once in a while.

Is there I can do to make myself look better in their eyes? Study more? Make insightful remarks? I don't want to be reassured; if I had met any of their standards, they would have not commented on anything about me (directly or indirectly) and would have left me be in the first place.
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