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# Nova Hook | C# Cheat Loader

I will not be actively updating this project, but I may bring in some new features from time to time when I am bored and have nothing else to do. If you need support contact me on Discord at Thaisen#1989 or [on my Discord server](!

By downloading and using the source you agree to the [License](#license) that comes with the loader.

Have some code you wanna add to the repo? Let me know through an email ([email protected]) and I will test it out and add you some credits and maybe let you collab on the repo.

## Screenshots

<p align="center">
<img src="">

<p align="center">
<img src="">

## SQL Setup For HWID

1. Enter your PHPMyAdmin (Or whatever tool you use for SQL managment) and navigate to your mybb_users.

2. Click on the "Structure" tab at the top of PHPMyAdmin.

3. Now add a new column named "hwid" that is a "varchar" with a max limit of "255"

## License

This repo is listed with a [MIT license]( which allows this to be used for commercial use, personal use and distribution and allows for modification of the source BUT does NOT allow me to be liable for what you do with the source and does not offer any warranty.

## FAQ

**Q: Is this a cheat for Counter Strike?**

A: No, this is a tool for being able to sell cheats without giving your .dll file to your users
**Q: Is this only for Counter Strike?**

A: No! Although it is targeted towards CS:GO it can literally be used for any game that takes dll based cheats
**Q: Is this detected by VAC?**

A: At the time of writing no. But make sure you change the signature of the loader to some extent.
**Q: If I am using this, do I have to give you credit?**

A: [The license for the project](
**Q: Can I use this for a massive P2C?**

A: Yes, but your stuff WILL get leaked eventually. I'd recommend using this for a private cheat for your friends with a max of like 30 members.
**Q: Do I need a website?**

A: Yes and no. You can make it local only by using a tool such as XAMPP but if you want it to be available for others to use you should get a website. Port forwarding would work too but I advise against it.
**Q: How do I make paid usergroups on MyBB?**

A: ALSO if you wanna be a real meme and need invite codes:

## Credits

[HazzardEdit]( for the [HWID creation and encryption code.](

[weakspider]( for the [Injection method](

Decimal: pCoder helped with fixes even though has 0 coding knowledge
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Regards; Team

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