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1) about us: 3 partner (2 italians and my dinca) want to open new kind of italian place, kind of kanapki during the lunch but main business it will be the so called "aperitivo" with salumi and wine from 5 till evening.
2) we think this could be nice place in nice area, but we are not in hurry to sign up we are looking for the best for our needings:
3) in the contract is not specified for what we are going to sign up, what will be included about this place in the contract? whatever we see or we are going to sign up just for the location? this is important to understand because we are dealing with ukrainian asking us money for stuff she maybe didnt buy and to understand the value of the place (if we are going to sign up for a place with already radio/kitchen/toilet...bla bla of course rent has to be higher, if not why we should pay so much for raw propriety?)
4) we saw a huge turnover on this place, almost every year is changing type of restaurant (indian/burger/sushi ecc ecc) we are planning to stay more than 5-6 month and let u stay calm and quiet with perfect "inquilino" with no trouble on payment and making this place a better place also from the inside. but right now for us this place is not ready. not ready the kitchen as not ready the first floor.
with the othes owners we are dealing with, they are ready to give us one month of free rent to prepare our place it will be possible also here? we are not going to open our business till we are not paying the rent of course.
5) ok now the rent...again we are going to make this place more valuable in the year, we are going to make this place living but with the fact that it's just 30mq upstair and everything we sell will be prepared upstair and from the other proposition we have around here, city centre and piazza delle sedie, we think 4500 is too high as rent. our proposition is 3700.
no. ok , 3700 and next year 4000.
no 4000, ok we think about it thank u.
6) how will it works the contract? rinnovo automatico dopo 2 anni? come funziona con questa signora?
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Regards; Team

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