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Standard Drinks
12 oz (341mL) beer 5% alcohol/5 oz (142ml) wine 12% alcohol 40%/1.5 oz (43mL) distilled spirits = standard drink - (all contain same amount of pure alcohol, 0.6 oz(17 ml)
Can help you set benchmark - This will have same effect on body

some have even more like malt liquor

Just because a drink looks standard doesnt mean it is. like cocktails can be more than 1.5 oz at 40%

Calculating Standard Drinks - % of alcohol * ounces = 60

Alcohol's Path through the body - intestines and absorbed to bloodstream goes all over the body including affecting brain. Over time 90% of alcohol is metabolized in liver but at a slower rate than it is absorbed, slowly removed. the remaining 10 percent sweat.

Metabolism is usally 1 drink per hour. If you drink more than 1 in an hour per standard drink your blood alcohol level rises. BAC

Can get pulled over for .05 and over and criminal charges for .08. BAC chart can help determine how much to give customers

Servers need to control their guests drinking

Impairment starts at the first drink - guest may be less than legal limit but seem impaired. another guest may be over 0.5 and not showing anything

BAC chart - to check how much a person can drink - guideline not sole way as people differ with gender, body type and such

Bodyweight -# standard drinks drunk over 5 hours

how fast BAC rises depends on factors

Environment - if people are with friends relaxing - they will likely drink slower and less
- parties like cocktail parties where you just standing around you may drink more

Time between drinks - 4 in one hour vs 4 in 4 hours.

Tolerance - some people may be experienced drinkers and may show that they arent feeling effects . It's possible to be too drunk to legally drive but not show the effects. Greater tolerance does not lower BAC

being fat and having body fat tissue will give you higher BAC's

women - have more body fat tissue and less water weight then men of same weight.

fitness/age - muscular . more water can metabolize better. so 175 lb young man lower BAC then 175 lb older man

body size - smaller ppl higher BAC faster cuz more concentrated

Food meds - water protein foods jucie will hold longer in stomach as opposed to salty food which will make drink more

when alcohol reaches brain affects behaviour, this starts with first drink, important to recognize these signs
- like they came in quiet reserved then became loud
Recognizing subtleties before they happen

Poor judgment/reason,caution memory/coordination/loss of self control indulgement/changing vital signs and appearance

5 common signs of intoxication

slurred speech/balance not always a sign -can be illness

30 min to effect brain - alcohol

Maintaining Safe and enjoyable atmosphere

Are they old enough to drink?
if they look under 19, if you suspect under 19 you have legal right to ask for id and refuse service

Not to judge by appearance alone. most places got a 25 if u look younger you ask ID

serving underage is a serious

- is illegal
- offence under liquor licence act
- can lead to charges by acgo and police

- can be sued or establihsment can + fines
license suspended

what ID can be accepted?

persons photo
persons birthday
and be issued by the government
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