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Hayden Frederick Douglass
Central Theme is Freedom
“When it belongs at last to all,/when it is truly instinct,” - Freedom is internalized in people, felt by them.
Cause and effect. When freedom is internalized, then Douglass will be remembered through the lives of people living through his dream for freedom
“Oh, not with statues’ rhetoric,/ not with legends and poems and wreaths of bronze alone,” - Not just with material objects alone will Douglass be remembered by. He will be remembered through the lives he affects. Humble tone.
No rhyme scheme
“Instinct”, “diastole”, “systole”, “reflex”, freedom should be automatic for any person
Repetition of “this” and “when it is” emphasizes how important freedom is.
Poem is upside down, Italian sonnet
Even though freedom is beautiful, it was terrible for some. It exposes the contradictory freedom that other people say “more than the gaudy mumbo jumbo of politicians:” and then explains the real definition of freedom by saying “where none is lonely, none hunted, alien,”
Doesn’t end with the word “terrible” like the beginning. Douglass’s vision of freedom is different from the freedom others see.
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