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bench press me by eggboi
1k, Keith/Lance,

“The hell are you doing?” Keith grumbles out, body mid-push up. There’s a snicker behind him, too close to his ears, though Keith can’t really understand what would be so amusing about this. Then again, he’s not really sure why Lance is lying on him while he’s doing push ups either. Other than to be, of course, annoying.

“Nothing.” Lance finally says. Keith hears the grin in his voice, which only proves to irritate him a little more. ‘Nothing’ his ass. “Continue with what you’re doing, Mr. ‘I’m-Too-Good-For-Socialization’.”

(Lance, as always, tries to annoy Keith by making his exercise harder. It doesn’t work. At all.)

Kiss Me If You Want Me by Barkour
3k, Keith/Lance, sex pollen, sex comedy,

Lance has an epiphany and Keith makes a confession. Also, they fuck.

kiss me (on the mouth) by ashinan
3k, Keith/Lance, frottage, hand jobs,

The training room was the only place Keith felt fully in control. Until Lance walked in. Then - well, everything tended to get a bit heated when they were together.

we’ll make it, you and me by asexualrey
6k, Keith/Lance, injury,

“Keith, if we make it out of this alive, I’m going to kiss you.”

Stormchasing by sinelanguage
18k, Keith/Lance, adventure, forced proximity, injury,

This isn’t how Lance intended to spend his vacation, chasing after Keith’s premonitions. But here he is, and he’s one hundred percent blaming Keith for all the trouble they’re about to get into. Keith makes bad decision, Lance makes mistakes, and both of them are stuck together on a space pirate adventure neither of them asked for.

Your Grace Is Wasted by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)
12k, gen, 5+1,

Five times that no one was thinking of Shiro as a dad.

Acceptable Behavior by eso (cazzy)
3k, Keith/Lance, frottage, biting,

Keith’s chest heaves with the exertion of dueling a killer robot while simultaneously managing to open the air lock door in order to save his fellow paladin’s life, and Lance thinks, Oh, fuck.

the whole town’s sleeping by astrainclinant
17k, Shiro/Keith, slow burn, pining,

Of inevitability and stars.

Alternatively, how Keith and Shiro come together.

After The Fire series by WineBoxConfessions
54k, Pidge/Shiro, alien marriage, trans character, memory loss, PTSD,

He refused to let anyone know about the heavy arm draped over his chest. The firm hand on his shoulder designed to send a message to anyone nearby. Pidge didn’t expect things to stay the same. People do strange and extraordinary things when they’re under extreme duress…He hadn’t expected to lose his best friend completely.

such a good

the electric synthesized pop ballad of why keith can’t have nice things by kay_cricketed
10k, Keith/Lance, a/b/o elements,

Keith can’t have nice things. That’s it. That’s the story.

(Or, in which Keith slowly learns that sometimes the best family is the one you make, Pidge has strong feelings about peanuts, Lance has a secret but would’ve spoken up sooner if he’d known it would break Keith’s brain, Hunk is the actual best, and Shiro is just relieved he didn’t have to give anyone the Talk.)

yes this is fantastic,. i love the take on the a/b/o trope.

what are you willing to do? by aknightley
3k, Lance/Keith, pwp, bareback,

They fuck in the Red Lion.

“This is such a bad idea,” Lance says, running his hands down Keith’s sides and jerking his shirt out of his pants.’

What a Healing Pod Can’t Repair by Remember_Me
36k, Keith/Lance, angst, h/c,

The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be.

Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn’t be coming for a very long time.

pepsicola by stalemateBecks
10k, Keith/Lance, pining,

It starts like this: Lance looking up at the scoreboard only a few days into his Garrison training and muttering to himself, “What the hell kind of a name is Keith?”

Or, Keith and Lance fall in love. Eventually.

blow me up by zxrysky
4k, Keiith/Lance, power bottom!Keith,

Keith has no idea how this starts, whatever this is. All he knows is that Lance is hot, objectively, incredibly attractive with slim hips and tan skin and legs that go on forever, and yeah, Keith is attracted to that. Lance, for all his smart talk and irrational flirting with every girl he sees, is something that, weirdly enough, makes Keith like him.

Maybe it’s how unattainable he seems. Maybe it’s how fucking straight he seems, but after every mission he gives Keith this look, running his eyes up and down Keith’s body and giving him a tired, happy smile that makes Keith’s abdomen flip up and over inside.


Keith has a thing for Lance. He acts on it.

Make me come (again) series by MatrixCube
13k, Hunk/Lance, pwp, slight d/s, voyeurism, breath play, strength kink, rough sex,

At the Garrison, Lance hooks up with people and enjoys life - if it weren’t for a certain 'problem’. One night, he confesses to his roomie Hunk that he can’t come from simply having sex with someone; he needs a bit more than that.

Good for him that Hunk is willing to help him out.

Take It from Me by onestrangenovelist
9k, Keith/Lance, kissing,

“Well,” Keith says. “Are you going to kiss me back, or are you just that awful at kissing?”

No Phone Service in Space by lemoninagin
6k, Keith/Lance, UST, awkward boners, accidental bondage, forced proximity,

“Oh man, you’re actually kinda sexy when you’re being all cocky, oh no. What have you done to me?” Lance lamented, turning his head to the sky and doing a cross motion, hand skipping from his forehead, down to his chest, then across each shoulder in silent, dramatic prayer.

Keith couldn’t believe it. He almost threw Lance in the weird river nearby. “What have I done to you? Are you fucking kidding–”

Lance clapped a hand on each of Keith’s shoulders, his face set into rigid determination. “Keith, real talk. Can I kiss you?”

my absolute favourite trope is awkward boners ok? especially combined with forced proximity,it’s the actual best fucking fight me

like the north star itself by raewrites
2k, Hunk/Lance, pwp,

“You got plans, big guy?” Lance asks, grinning crookedly as he lifts his legs and hooks them around Hunk’s back, pulling him forward. Hunk stifles a laugh, opting to comment on the sharp boniness of Lance’s ankles instead, earning a half-hearted kick and a declaration to fight in return.

“I’d win in a fight against you.” Hunk says, leaning over Lance to press the words against the flushed skin and fluttery pulse of the other’s neck, “I’d toss you over my shoulder like a sack of spare parts.”

Lance makes a low noise in the back of his throat like he wouldn’t particularly mind this.

A Regular Thing by cattchi
2k, Hunk/Lance, kissing,

Lance has never been kissed and Hunk is a really, really, REALLY good friend

Ocean Frogs by surveycorpsjean
5k, Shiro/Shiro, smut, hella filthy,

He’s boiling.

Real Lions AU series by Titans_R_Us
~8k, gen, fluff, lions,

“Should I be closing my eyes? I feel like this is something I should be closing my eyes to.” Pidge says.

yesssss, this pleases me. so much <3

You Smell Like Trash by BoxWineConfessions
29k, Canon-AU, Keith/Pidge, slow burn,

“Garrison,” Keith hisses he turns his head in every direction trying to identify something, but can’t. “You’re a lot of trouble you know that.” He takes his knife from his belt and holds it in one hand. “Just follow my lead. You were kidnapped. You know, vulnerable smart shrimp.”

She feels the knife at her throat. Yeah. Like that explains it.

Or: Pidge meets a badly dressed smelly guy out in the desert. When he’s not trying to get her killed, they actually make an okay team.

Ventures in Viridian series by The Qing
~35k, Lance/Pidge, slow burn, bickering, pranks,

On the hunt for their lost comrades, Pidge and Lance trade barbs, boasts, and battle scars in the boundless void.

Shadows of Our Dreams by KUG
10k, gen, h/c, fluff, cuddles, bed sharing,

-There comes a time and place where you don’t stand so tall-

The Paladins of Voltron have been reunited and are now resting and trying to heal, but nightmares tend to stick around longer than physical injuries. Time for a good ol’ fashioned sleepover with the team.

bruises by Chaosandthecalm
3k, Keith/Lance, love/hate,

“Show me how much you hate me.”

Keith wants to know what Lance’s problem is. The answer might surprise him.

My Youth Is Yours by MilkTeaMiku
29k, Keith/Lance, fluff, kid fic, de-aging,

An unforseen blast in the middle of a battle de-ages Lance into a child for a week.

Keith does not understand babies.

too cute

Shiro is a Smitten Kitten by memoriesofrain
921 words, Shiro/Lance, pining,

He didn’t know how it happened, but Shiro found himself faced with an inevitable truth: he was head over heels for Lance.

Let The Water Lead Us Home by LynnLarsh
12k, Keith/Lance,

He’d just wanted a glimpse. It was stupid and childish and selfish, but he’d just wanted one more look out on the ocean, one more peek in the window of his family home, just in case they never made it back to Earth. Just in case he never got another chance.

But this wasn’t the Holo-Deck from Star Trek. And this broken simulator tube wasn’t going to be able to do any of that for him, now was it?

A.K.A - Lance finds himself stuck in a simulation and Keith is determined to get him out.

The Game is up by WHUMPBBY
2k, Nyma/Lance, dub-con/non-con, bondage, alien sex,

There was this prompt on Voltron kinkmeme about Nyma fucking Lance once he’s tied to a tree that caught my fancy. This is what we’re getting here, folks;]

He stepped to her first, with a curious tilt to his mouth that she suspected was supposed to look flirtatious. She hooked him in with just a look and a spark of interest, encouraging his silly antics with a smile and a nod. It was supposed to be a quick con, but she genuinely liked the boy from the first look - he seemed young, inexperienced and gagging for it.

Trembling Lips by nonna
17k, gen, 5+1, angst, whump,

Lance is an emotional person who cries easily (and does the trembly-lip thing a lot) but tries to stay strong in front of the team.


Five times Lance stopped himself from crying in front of his teammates, and the one time he couldn’t hold it back.

thread our way through a string of stars by steelthighsvoideyes
22k, AU, Keith/Lance,

Lance is a humble astrophysics student trying to conduct research, which turns out to be a bit difficult to do when he finds a strange guy sitting in his customary research spot. A strange guy looking for aliens, no less.

Lance isn’t going to stand for this.

Standing in the Eye of the Storm by erisgregory
1k, Keith/Lance, pwp, angry sex, frottage,

shameless pwp set in the training room after a fight.

i’d get lost in space with you by TimmyJaybird
30k, Keith/Shiro, trans character, dysphoria, pre-series, pining, angst,

Keith never expected to fall so hard for someone as he did Shiro. He never expected to find support in someone they way he did in Shiro.

He never expected to lose someone like he lost Shiro.

A Romantic Guy by MatrixCube
3k, Hunk/Keith, pwp, bruises, biting, intercrural,

“You like that?”

Keith nods eagerly, looking down on Hunk’s hands wandering to the inside of his legs. The skin is more tender there, more sensitive, and wow, Hunk’s complexion is a nice contrast to his own skin—

I want him to grab me so hard that it’ll leave bruises.

The sudden thought goes straight to his cock. He really, really wants that. “More,” he breathes, and can see Hunk smiling at him.

Another Love Of Mine by maxsaystowrite
13k, Alfor/Coran, pre-series,

They were King and Advisor. They were Paladins. They were friends. Coran always knew he would be loyal to his king, he never thought he would fall in love with him, raise his daughter, be the last of his subjects. Loyalty and promises never fade. And love strikes more than once for some.

Boom Crash the Sound of My Ship by maychorian
40k, gen, action, h/c, sick!fic, PTSD, cuddling, (bed sharing, bonding)

After a Galra attack splits Voltron, the blue lion is damaged and falls toward the jungle planet below. Shiro follows, and now he and Lance are stranded in hostile territory, fighting to survive. Lance is injured, Shiro is having flashbacks, and help is far away. And the Galra just…keep coming.

A fantastic read. The entire series, called Boom Crash, is magnificent. It handles trauma and the after effects, and how to deal with it in a very skilled manner. I love the interactions between the paladins, the bond between them and the one between Lance and blue is a delight to read. Also, as a bonus, Coran great role in this.

Dirty by Rambutans
5k, Keith/Lance, domestic nudity, fluff,

Keith is a nasty dirty boy and Lance decides its his responsibility to clean him up.

(This is a gross domestic fluff fic about Keith’s poor hygiene skills don’t let the description fool you.)

sedated by Chaosandthecalm
3k, Keith/Lance, pwp, rimming, sex buddies,

Sometimes Lance needs some help falling asleep.

adrenaline by Chaosandthecalm
2k, Keith/Lance, pwp, first time,

Sometimes Keith just needs Lance.

the continuation of sedated, recced above

Isn’t There a White Knight by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)
7k, gen,

Kink Meme FIll: "In the first episode, Lance says that Shiro is his hero. But Shiro is still just a guy in his mid twenties, and we’ve seen him join in on silly stuff ("Blam blam blam!”).

So what I want is five times Lance sees Shiro do dorky, ridiculous things, and one time he realizes he’d still follow this dork to Hell and back.“

C'mon, as if I could pass that up.

it’s important to me that Shiro gets to be a dorky twenty something and not just the responsible adult. also, i kept the tab open on my phone for about a week and whenever i saw the title i got that damn song stuck in my head.

Three Is Not A Crowd by HK44
8k, Hunk/Lance/Pidge, threesome, polyamory,

He felt his face heat up, pressed his hand to the back of his head and gazed studiously at the wall. “Do you, Pidge, want to. Bang. With me. And- and Hunk.”

Her eyes flickered and she gazed studiously at the ground. “Um, sure. Sounds good.”

Whoever said three was a crowd, was a fucking idiot.

Edit: There is now a third part which also features Keith o/

breathless by zxrysky
6k, AU, Keith/Lance, mermaids,

"You shouldn’t go out to the sea at night,” their grandmother says. She’s in a rocking chair, old and creaky, her withered body settled with a shawl around her shoulders, wrinkled fingers gripping the edges of the arm rest. “Don’t risk it.”

“Risk what?” Shiro asks, eyes wide. He’s fourteen, just a young boy, on the cusp of maturity, arms wrapped around his younger brother as they sit before their grandmother.

His grandmother pauses for a while. “There is danger in the sea.”

A Song of Me Song in Need by vagrantBreath
9k, Lance/Shiro, depression, torture,

Everything is okay. Got it? Lance is fine. Everything is fine. No one needs to worry about him.

Releasing Control by batbooty
1k, Lance/Shiro, fantasising, masturbation,

Spicy bara titties thinking about your favorite blue paladin, at night (AT NIGHT).

Massage by Minter_W
3k, Lance/Shiro, massage, fluff,

Lance is so stressed out that it’s causing his back to hurt; a lot. After Lance misses a training session, Shiro comes to check up on him. He ends up giving Lance a massage.

your hands in the holes of my sweater by ladyfnick
7k, Shiro/Keith/Lance, 5+1, polyamory, cuddling, bed sharing,

So it turns out that space is hella cold, so it’s only natural that Lance ends up platonically cuddling with the other paladins. Well mostly platonically. Lance blames space for the mostly part.

(idk why but i really love that title??)

Intergalactic Space Lothario by NeedMoreCyanInk
4k, Keith/Lance, kissing, wrestling,

“What the hell are you doing?”
“I panicked.”
Keith sighs deeply. He feels funny all over, all jumbled up and lightheaded. His face is so hot. “For once can you not think with your damn libido?”

Cabin fever is driving everyone nuts. Keith and Lance wrestle.

i can’t help but want by aknightley
16k, Keith/Lance, slow burn,

Lance deals with the aftermath of being sucked into a black hole and stranded on an alien planet.

When Lance wakes up, all he can see is blue.

For Science by kali_asleep
13k, Shiro/Pidge, slow burn,

It didn’t take five years of hurtling through space with a ragtag group of galactic defenders for Shiro to figure out which fires to put out, and which fires to ignore.

But when Pidge and Hunk’s zany experiments - “for science” - start hitting close to home, Shiro starts to wonder if maybe there are some fires that are better left to burn.

A Shove Towards Love by General_Button
30k, Keith/Lance, alien rituals, soul mates, minor forced proximity,

A simple rescue mission turns into chaos when the species on the planet Novaria take an interest in the lives of two of its paladins.

Let me be your Fairy God Bro, Cinderella by RebornFromSeas
807 words, gen, fluff, trans character,

Lance is left with more questions than answers after Pidge’s announcement, and wants to make sure she’s okay.

supportive!Lance is my favourite

Nightmares by Trashness
14k, Keith/Lance, fluff, bed sharing,

Lance’s nightmares are getting out of control. It’s effecting his and the team’s performance, but he’s at a loss for how to fix this.

Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps.

Short Hair by ElfGrove
6k, Shiro/Pidge, pining, PTSD, fluff,

Just some quick, self-indulgent fluff themed around the changing hairdos of the two characters.

gabriel done came to me (and kissed me in my sleep) by ilgaksu
1k, Keith/Lance, backstory, Texan!Keith,

“Dude,” Lance says, almost reverent if it wasn’t for the glee in his eyes, “How are you even real?”

this is beautifully written.

We Don’t Fear Those Sleepless by NightsGears
13k, gen, implied relationships, PTSD, fluff, h/c, bed sharing,

It’s difficult to tell how long after, especially when there’s no clock and the only others who could really tell what time it is don’t use the same system, but days, cycles, hours, ticks, or whatever later, the dynamics between the paladins shift from communal to familial.

Or, the team has sleepovers and work through their issues together as a family.

Last One Home by nawsies
6k, Lance-centric, minor keith/lance, isolation,

After being flung through space Lance ends up alone at the far reaches of the galaxy waiting for a pick-up. It’ll be a long time coming, but hey, at least the atmosphere wasn’t 10% heroin.

“Sometimes Lance would sleep in Blue, her quiet whirring similar enough to the sound of the castle he could lie to himself, say he was back on board the ship and he’d wake up to Hunk’s cooking and Pidge’s latest invention…Lance enjoyed people, he enjoyed making other people happy and his own company was never as good as another person’s laugh at his joke, or even at his expense. The Paladins were the best people he’d ever met, family excluded, and he missed them more than he cared to admit. He’d been away from Earth for a long time now but it was only since landing on this planet that he really felt like he was away from home.”

Deprivation Clarity by milky (milky_teacup)
6k, Lance/Shiro, rough sex, wall sex,

When Shiro’s Galra prosthetic malfunctions, it takes patience and good leadership skills to wait out for assistance.

holy hell

Just Static by Jessadilla (wobblyarms)
84k, Keith/Lance, slow burn, h/c, pining, injury,

-iro, Hunk, Kei—, nybody? I’m—-
–I’m sorry guys. This is all my–
—I found my coordinates. They’re–
-guys. I hear something—
-end transmission-

Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren’t getting through. How did it come to this?

Feel the Bonds by amycoolz, SylviaW1991
53k, Keith/Lance, smut,

Being a paladin of Voltron is honestly the coolest thing that ever could’ve happened to Lance, but the people who should know probably never will. What could his family possibly think of him being gone for so long? But he can’t think about them. He can’t. He has to defend the universe and apologize to Keith for being a dick to him. Again. And, holy crow, is Keith checking him out? Please?

like honey by manamune
4k, Keith/Lance, dom/sub,

Keith wants to lose control.

Lance has always liked helping people.

got got got it bad by kairiolette
10k, Keith/Lance, pining, 5+1,

“He leans in to hook his arm around Keith’s shoulders in full. It’s right in Keith ear, when he speaks. “I have a crush on someone new, like, every week.”

“No—it’s not someone.” Keith brings his head up, and it feels as heavy on his neck as if it were his center of gravity, and he meets Lance’s eyes with his own. Keith doesn’t mean to communicate something through their silence, he just kind of gets caught up in staring at Lance’s face, which tends to happen lately. Sharp features, cheekbones and chin. Impossible eyes and a loud mouth as expressive as his eyebrows. But Lance seems to come to some understanding on his own. He sits back in a rare, rare moment of speechlessness, that mouth of his slightly pursed and twitching in its search for words in what can only be, though Keith doesn’t know much about body language, immense confusion on the brink of realization.”

Or: Keith acknowledges his feelings for Lance and promptly goes through the five stages of grief.

The Love of a Hero by quartetship
3k, Shiro/Lance, fluff,

That guy’s my hero.

Lance had always idolized Shiro, but never had he dared to believe they would grow to be as close as they had become…

Being an Idiot (the story of Lance) by Holle_wood
11k, Hunk/Keith/Pidge/Shiro/Lance, polydins, langst,

He’ll fake it till he makes it.

Lance is the dumb one (just not dumb enough).

Eyeliner 101 by TinyShinyUnique
4k, Shiro/Pidge, fluff,

Pidge is still struggling to get the feminine parts of her personality right. She has Allura for compassion, she has Lance for tips, but when it truly counts, her go-to-person is Shiro. Her little crush on him sometimes gets in the way though.

Shiro teaches Pidge how to apply eyeliner.

blame it on the space booze by bishounen_curious
13k, Keith/Lance, aphrodisiacs, smut,

Lance was too much of an ass, Keith far too impulsive, and Shiro just wanted to have a good time. And, well, why exactly would they drink all that space booze when they had no idea what it actually was?

That’s Rough Buddy by JoyouslyNeonLeon
2k, Lance/Shiro,

“Oh uh…okay…” Lance says, “what’s his problem?”
Pidge shrugs, grinning from ear to ear, “no idea man.”
In which Shiro has a crush, Lance is (mostly) oblivious, Pidge is planning something, Keith and Hunk are buds and I get my much desired beach fic.

Good Boys by Jennypen
18k, AU, Keith/Lance/Shiro, Lance/Shiro, voyeurism, exhibitionism, porn,

Keith searches the wrong thing on pornhub and gets a whole lot more than what he bargained for.

This is so good you guys *cries a bit* Was reading this while commuting to school and had to quit at a vital point and then i spent the entire lesson thinking about what would happen next. i didn’t absorb a word the teacher said.

ghost of a king by ashinan
27k, Keith/Lance, h/c, injury,

During a routine recon mission turned ambush, Lance and Blue must take drastic measures to ensure their survival. The aftermath leaves Lance lost and dreaming, and the team helpless to the possibility that, without a guide, he won’t make it back.

need to believe you could hold me down by pageleaf
2k, Allura/Shiro, strength kink, slight dom/sub,

“Oh,” Allura says sheepishly. “Oh no, that was just me.”

Shiro’s eyes widen. “It…wasn’t the shapeshifting?”

“No,” Allura says. “Just my normal level of strength.”

“Oh,” Shiro says blankly. “Oh. Okay.”

Tidal by noero
1k, Keith/Lance, bed sharing,

Although Keith may not consider himself a theorist, he figures the impulse that fuels his own inertia is the only force that can stop Lance’s aimless velocity. They just fit. Far be it from him question the laws of nature.

Under His Care by BoxWineConfessions
52k, AU, Shiro/Keith, slow burn, injury,

Keith is living his childhood dream of co-owning the city’s most famous motorcycle customization and repair shop. He spends a lot of time with Lance, Hunk, and his best girl Peaches (A 1972 Yamaha DS7). Life is pretty decent, even when he makes the mistake of answering the phone and Lance’s mom is on the line chiding him about something he’s pretty sure Lance is responsible for anyway.

Until the accident.

Apparently having a stupidly hot physical therapist is a pretty good pain killer.

Foundations by needchocolatenow
13k, AU, Keith/Lance,

When Keith met Lance, it was over a briny sea.

Garden of Beginnings by needchocolatenow
5k, Keith/Lance, fluff,

Hunk gets a criminal record, Pidge might have blackmail on Keith, and Shiro’s wondering what happened to his shirt.

Keith and Lance fall into each other’s orbit and keeps falling.

An Idiots Guide to Interpersonal Wishunew
5k, Lance/Shiro, pre-slash,

Life is complicated, no one ever makes all the right choices for all the good reasons. Lance usually just gets by on luck. He’s running out.

This Moment Alone by GlitchTheRoboticShadow
1k, AU, Keith/Lance, kissing,

Lance wants to practice kissing with Keith. And Keith thinks that’s utterly ridiculous. But what’s even more ridiculous? He actually does it.

They Can Never Know by excadet, grosspaladin
6k, Hunk/Lance/Keith, masturbation, fantasizing, pining, guilt

They’re in love.

All three of them in love with one another.
None of them can know, they can’t ruin their friendship so now it’s their own dirty secret. What better way than to take it out by dirtying your sheets and fantasizing about the boys you can never have?

Old Sick Boys by leporicide
15k, AU, Hunk/Lance, violence,

Hunk has a violence in him that comes out in the ring. He’s barely contained, body vibrating with unused energy. There’s nothing more amazing than winning, than fractured jaws and broken noses, split lips and bruised eyes.

That is, until Lance.

equations for a falling body by csoru
25k, Keith/Lance, non-consensual drug use, dub-con,

“So, good news,” says Lance, voice a little strangled. “I seriously doubt that’s a killer neurotoxin. Or knockout gas.”

Keith, Lance, an alien drug and an enclosed space, and what happens after.

Like Devo by surveycorpsjean
8k, AU, Keith/Lance, blood, bruises, injury, public sex,

As rival jammers, they’re rough, skating around the rink, giving bruises, bloody noses, broken ribs and snapped fingers-

But when the cops show up, Keith grabs his hand and yanks Lance into the storm drain.

And thats how they start dating.

All In by cheshireree
7k, Keith/Lance, 5+1,

As far as Lance’s teenage heart was concerned, apparently everything started and ended with him cradled in Keith’s arms. Or something equally as embarrassing that Lance didn’t really want to think about.

or, 5 times Keith carries Lance and one time Lance carries Keith.

own little, pack light by lein
12k, Keith/Lance, trans character,

His name sounds nicer now, echoed in the metal walls of the castle, warmer and more natural, like it isn’t a cruel joke he’s force-feeding the world. Keith likes it more, sounds it out in his bedroom, wraps his mouth around it like it’s important.

He’s Keith, the red paladin, a defender of the universe. Shiro’s beside him and so is Lance. So are Pidge and Hunk, Allura and Coran. This, he thinks, toes curling in his boots, this is a family.

This is more of a family than he’s ever really had.

He likes it.

Damsel in Distress by birdzilla
6k, gen, humour,

Somehow Lance always finds himself in trouble. Fortunately, his friends are always there to get him out of it.

Monster Lead Me Home by ColorWheel
7k, Hunk/Pidge,

Pidge feels exhausted trying to fathom out the excuses anyone would have for acting like that. “I don’t want to hash out all of the reasons he’s not in love with me, today. It’s my birthday, let me have at least twenty four more hours to pretend that everything’s alright? I’m even going to let Allura do my hair today.” She flips her ponytail around haphazardly and even Keith can’t deny her that.

Pidge turns twenty one on a Tuesday, but she decides she won’t sort out this heavy weight in her life until Wednesday.

Like Forgetting The Words by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)
12k, gen, Shiro-centric, PTSD, 5+1,

5 times Shiro forgot about his metal arm, and one time he was comfortable remembering.

call me, beep me by safra
85k, AU, Keith/Lance, fluff, waff, horrible pet naming habits,

(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose?
(00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake?
(00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it?
(00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy…
(00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones?

(00:45) What
(00:46) The
(00:46) Fuck???

(00:47) Oh good, you are awake!

where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there

One of the few fics that ever managed to make ME feel nervous and giddy about them meeting. Can easily be read without prior knowledge of the series.

Earthbound by GemmaRose
6k, polydins, OT5, mental link, emotional h/c, cuddling, galra!keith,

Returned to Earth after several years in space, the Paladins must deal with the shock of being separated from their Lions.

A Ladder Most Handsome by wynnebat
757 words, Shiro/Pidge, pining, ust,

The trend of Pidge climbing Shiro like a tree continues, but not quite in the way Pidge would like.

never saw you coming by dimpleforyourthoughts
47k, Keith/Lance, slow burn, pining, h/c, africa by toto,

Three months in space on his own would have been fine. Three months in space with Lance McClain is a whole other fucking story.

what i have is right here by epiproctan
6k, Keith/Lance/Shiro, polyamory, getting together,

ometimes it makes him think of their Garrison days. When Keith was a distant white-hot shooting star he chased because he didn’t know what else to do with him. When Shiro was something even farther, something brighter, the center of a galaxy that he never even hoped to enter. But all masses have gravitational pull. Everything in the universe attracts everything else.

Lance is grateful that theirs was strong enough to tug each other in.

or, a treatise on waiting

punctum series by sublimation
6k, Shiro/Allura, praise kink, soft dom!allura,

“You like that?” she couldn’t resist asking with a smile.

“Yes, Princess,” he answered without hesitation, with the same urgency as when she asked him tactical questions in the command room.

(Allura asks Shiro for a sparring lesson she didn’t need)

Into the Skid by proleptic_fancy
23k, Keith/Pidge+Shiro, h/c, unresolved ot3 feelings,

Stranded in dead space while the Castle undergoes repairs, everyone is starting to go a little stir crazy. A training accident drives a wedge between Shiro and the rest of the team, and things get complicated fast when Keith tries to bridge the gap.

The Finest Flower by mbaline
4k, Shiro, tentacles,

After a bad crash leaves his Lion badly damaged and his supplies depleted, Shiro is forced to venture out into the thick jungle of this dark, quiet world in search of water.

He soon discovers that looks can be deceiving: this alien planet isn’t quite as uninhabited as he first thought.

the most consensual tentacle porn i’ve ever read, even if it’s still pretty dubious.

your claws in me by burlesquecomposer
49k, Keith/Lance, mind control, h/c, angst, happy ending,

“Oh trust me. When I’m done with you, I won’t be able to stop laughing,” Lance says lowly, and his lips curl farther, and there’s something wild in his stare, and it hits Keith suddenly.

This isn’t Lance.”

Lance falls under the control of Zarkon’s Druids, and although his friends manage to get him back, nothing is quite the same. Maybe the Galra succeeded after all. Maybe the Galra merely wanted to tear Team Voltron apart from the inside.

Your Love Has Shown Me Proof by freshia
13k, Keith/Lance, kid fic, future reationship, fluff,

“This situation is a bit more complicated than we initially realized.”

Lance raises an eyebrow, but Pidge is the one to question that. “Define complicated.”

Allura takes no more time beating around the bush, “Well, I received a transmission. Keith and Lance–from the future, that is–would like to have their daughter back.“

or: Lance and Keith deal with a walking spoiler, in the form of a little girl who just wants to get back to her own home.

Give Them Shelter by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)
3k, gen, fluff, team feels,

Have some freakin’ gen fluff, you goddamn animals.

In response to Day 15 of legendarydesvender’s Inktober.

the currents you create by theoddoodisnude
18k, Keith/Lance, h/c, seasonal affective disorder,

Some days, he woke up even more tired than he’d been when he’d gone to sleep, and willing his body to go through the motions was just—tough. Like wading through thigh-high water or running on soft sand that gave under the soles of his feet.

Voyager, there are no bridges (one builds them as one walks) by dawnstruck
4k, AU, Shiro/Keith, prince!keith, galra!keith, dark!Shiro, rough sex, humiliation,

He wants to fight this human. He wants to fuck him.
No, he reconsiders, his thoughts oddly distanced from his physical being. He wants to be fucked, to be held down and taken.

Routine Maintenance by VelkynKarma
50k, gen, Shiro-centric, PTSD, injury, mild gore, 5+1,

Being an amputee with a prosthetic limb is difficult enough. Having a solid metal alien prosthetic forced on you by another species entirely is even worse.


Five times Shiro’s Galra arm caused him trouble in some way and another member of the team helped him out with it, and the one time the same arm is the only reason any of them survive.

Dirty Laundry by Gibslythe
85k, AU, Keith/Lance, slow burn, fake dating, homo/biphobia, pining,

"Two whole months of free laundry in exchange for two weeks of being my fake boyfriend. Deal?”
Keith hesitated for a moment. Was this really worth it? Hardly. Lance was an asshole, and he wasn’t sure what fake dating would entail. But, free laundry was free laundry, right?
“Alright, it’s a deal.”

Or: Lance makes the mistake of telling his Mom he has a boyfriend coming home with him for Christmas. Keith makes the mistake of agreeing to be Lance’s 'fake boyfriend’.

This love won’t ever be convenient by Lynn1998
78k, AU, Keith/Lance, high-school, trans character, slow burn, trans/homophobia, angst, fluff,

*Complicated by Avril Lavigne plays in the distance*

a truth so loud you can’t ignore by KaijuDork
9k, Lance/Shiro, pining, ptsd, fluff,

Lance decides to start leaving anonymous notes for Shiro to cheer him up, and can’t quite stop himself from expressing his age-old crush through them. He doesn’t plan on actually confessing to the other paladin, though, because there’s no way it could be mutual.

Besides, he never gets caught leaving them, so Shiro won’t know that they’re from him… right?

this is so damn cute i had to put my phone down in the middle of the paragraph in some scenes.

Out of the Cold by birdzilla
4k, gen, injury, hypothermia, sharing body heat,

When Hunk and Shiro crash-land on a wintery planet, it’s up to Hunk to keep Shiro alive and warm.

all we have to do aknightley
19k, Keith/Lance, pining, h/c,

Keith gets hurt during a mission, and Lance is not sure how to handle that.

“Lance wakes up on the floor outside of the medical bay, jerking wildly, body a mess of aches and twinges.”

I Have and I Always Will by HomebodyNobody
3k, Keith/Lance,

Keith can’t sleep and goes a-wandering. Right into the living room. Where Lance is. With his guitar.

Connections series by Washipuppy
~36k, wip, team, self confidence issues, h/c, cuddling,

The mind is a tenacious thing. Once it grabs hold of a thought, a memory, or a problem, it can be hard to convince it to let go.
Pidge has her drive to find her family, though right now she has these communication codes that could help her do that.
Shiro has his past, though right now he has his a lion asking him for help and teammates who won’t tell him what’s going on in their heads.
Lance has his doubts.
And Keith… Well, he’s convinced that Hunk is some kind of Sex God who has slept with both Shiro and Lance.

Now, how to prove that?

Meanwhile, Hunk is just doing his best to look out for everyone. It’s like herding cats.

Hunk is great. I love Hunk.

Broken Cage by AshaCrone
35k, Thance/Shiro, a/b/o, body dysphoria, pregnancy, injury, suicidal thought, dub-con,

Many things were lost to Shiro in the year he was a Galra captive. He escaped with a metal arm, a memory full of holes, and his body changed into an Omega that had recently given birth. All he can recall is someone there with him, holding each other’s sanity together with their bare hands. He wants to remember… but he’s afraid of what he might find.

Thace had never expected to meet the Champion. He had never expected to find something to care about after being cast out of the military. Together, they struggle to deal with being pawns in a bigger game.

Carrying the Team by maychorian
5k, gen, h/c, fluff,

Everyone needs a piggyback ride sometimes. Hunk is (almost) always happy to provide.

Gifts of Rain by needchocolatenow
6k, AU, Lance/Shiro, human and animal sacrifice, gods, smut,

Lance is the human sacrifice to Shiro, the wind god.

supermassive black hole by epiproctan
7k, Keith/Lance, friends with benefits, pining,

“Keith has always known that he wasn’t going to get what he truly wants out of the arrangement, but he also hadn’t ever imagined that it would just…end.”

aka that classic fic where lance wants to stop hooking up but keith wants something else entirely

"Platonic” Antagonism, or, the Unfortunate Versatility of the English Language by obstinateRixatrix
6k, Keith/Lance,

“Maybe you guys got off on the wrong foot, but there’s really no point in pretending you don’t like Lance.”
“That’s not it, I’m not pretending I don’t.” Sure, Keith’s not the easiest person to read, but he didn’t think he was this bad. At least he caught wind of this frustrating miscommunication before it got any worse. Hunk really did have terrible taste in friends. “Of course I like Lance.”

His admission is punctuated by an almighty clatter as Lance, standing at the door, drops the box of metal he’s holding.
“I knew it!” He yells, before anyone can say a word. “I knew you had a crush on me!”
“What,” Keith says, out of lack of any coherent alternative.
“My space-junk,” Hunk says, looking despairingly at the pile of odds and ends now scattered across the floor.

uh huh, honey by Reminscees
7k, AU, Keith/Lance, friends with benefits, pining,

Keith knows he’s doomed the moment Lance rests his arm on the wall behind him, leans a little closer and asks what such a pretty face is doing in a place like this: a fraternity house neither of them even go to. Keith stares up into pretty blue eyes and a bright smile that promises a whole world of fun and tells him, “Waiting for you to get me a drink.”

The Passenger by keir
7k, AU, Lance/Shiro,

Shiro is rolling on another long haul, only a couple days left till he reaches the drop-off point. His semi purrs along the winding highways under the hot Texan sun with nothing but fields as far as the eye can see.

He does a double take when he sees someone walking on the side of the road, almost unable to believe that a person is hiking along the shoulder of the highway out in the middle of nowhere. His good conscience makes him pull over, the semi rolling to a rumbling halt fifteen feet or so behind the stranger.

Triple Entendre by QuillFeathers
4k, Keith/Lance, fluff,

Keith knows the phrase.
But the meaning of a string of words is more than just the paper definition.

Alternatively: Three situations Lance tells Keith “let’s dance”.

You Can Hear it in the Silence by Luddleston
4k, Lance/Shiro, h/c, panic attack, first time, cuddling,

“Lance had never seen Shiro like this. Half-curled in on himself, hand tight in the fabric of his shirt, breath coming in harsh, unwieldy gasps, eyes unfocused. Scared. He was practically hiding on a corner of his bed, refusing to look at Lance, and that. That was not reassuring at all.”

Shiro has a panic attack, Lance has no idea what to do, but things seem a little better in the morning.

The Coxcomb by surveycorpsjean
68k,AU, Shiro/Keith/Lance, strippers, polyamory, threesome, fluff

Lance takes the job for the money.

Love is apparently a package deal.

I Need a Hero by Jennypen
2k, canon-AU, Lance/Shiro, age swap, role reversal, pining,

Garrison freshman Shiro has it bad for senior Lance.

The Expiation Expedition by IntelligentAirhead, obstinateRixatrix
40k, Keith/Lance, fake relationship,

Lance is well aware that miscommunications can result in horrific, preferably avoidable mishaps, which is why he tries to circumvent them whenever possible.

It just figures that the state of an entire planet’s fragile political climate rests on him running straight into one.

nothing’s quite as sweet by dimpleforyourthoughts, thebrotherswinchester
50k, AU, Keith/Lance, pining, slow burn,

Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.

Twitterpated by warschach
23k, AU, Keith/Lance/Shiro, domestic, polyamory, threesome, pining,

Keith had a problem.

All right, fine; it was more of a dilemma.

He liked his roommates, like A LOT, but here was the issue they’re in a relationship with other each.


So Beautiful, Yet So Unaware by SouthernBird
2k, Lance/Shiro, pining, fluff,

In which Shiro is a pining sap and picks flowers on an alien planet.

you had me at merlot by DJalien
17k, AU, Keith/Lance, alcohol,

“Oh my God,” Lance says as he covers his face. Keith’s tinny voice blares from his laptop speakers: “What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.” See, this joke might have been funny if someone charismatic and charming had said it, but Keith’s flat voice and even flatter expression effectively kidnaps, tortures, and then decapitates any chance of it being remotely humorous.

Keith accidentally starts a YouTube channel. Lance, of course, refuses to be left out. It goes about as well as you’d expect. (Ft. copious amounts of wine and a truly shameless number of references to MyDrunkKitchen, DailyGrace, and general pop culture)

Guillotine by quartetship
3k, Keith/Lance,

Whatever they are, they’re frightening, but he likes them all the same.

Keith figures out his feelings and lets Lance know, little by little.

Smoke Signals by tango1_1
50k, Lance/Shiro, slow burn, pining, PTSD, adventure,

When they say that life flashes before your eyes when you die, they’re lying.

Lance and Shiro get lost. And then, perhaps, they get found?

We’ll Make It I Swear by Shipperbitch
31k, Keith/Lance, slow burn, gore, amputation, panic attacks, pining,

Lance loses his leg during a mission and it takes a toll on the team, especially Keith.
Except Keith begins to develop feelings for Lance during his time alone thinking. And when Lance is healed up, he too has some emotional issues that surface.
Eventually they work it out, despite the harsh ups and downs.

Expecting the Unexpected by Anonymous
6k, Pidge-centric, oviposition, egg laying, pregnancy, giving birth,

Team Voltron come across a peaceful, non-humanoid alien. Sadly, it’s dying, and it has one last wish: it wants to lay its eggs in someone’s uterus so its unborn children won’t die with it. That’s how they always reproduce, by laying their fertilized eggs in a willing host. Pidge agrees to go through with it.

Crossing Lines by Methoxyethane
12k, Keith/Lance, a/b/o, omega!keith, beta!lance, UST, slowburn,

Okay so in retrospect, sitting outside of Keith’s door while he was in heat was not Lance’s best and brightest idea ever. But Shiro was the damned alpha round here and if HE refused to do anything when Keith was suffering so much… Well Lance just couldn’t leave him alone. It wouldn’t have been right.

hooooly fuck this is right up my alley and i am a dumpster. UST perfection.

Magic Me Some Love by KaSaPe
143k, AU, Keith/Lance, galra!keith, panic attacks, violence,

When Shiro’s arm gets cut off while he is trying to protect Keith, Keith doesn’t see any way to save his life but to break into the Galra’s castle and steal some of their magical medicine. But nothing goes as planned and when he exits the castle empty handed he is cursed to look like a Galra until he accepts his halfbreed status. He is convinced that he has condemned Shiro to death - and then he learns of a magician that might be able to help just in time.

Meanwhile Lance didn’t expect a Galra to turn up at his door, demanding him to save his half dead (human?!) friend. And he certainly didn’t expect to fall in love with him either.

of friendship & accidental dick pics by kagshina
6k, AU, Keith/Lance, high school, sexting,

Lance shakes his head, “You send a guy one dick pic and suddenly you’re best friends,” he mutters.

(Or, to Lance’s misfortune, there’s not a guidebook on how to act around your new friend who used to be your rival and totally still is even though now you kind of definitely want to kiss him.)

Induced by GemmaRose
4k, Keith/Lance, a/b/o, alpha/alpha, sex pollen,

Alien substances can have unexpected effects on humans, sometimes pleasant, sometimes not. Luckily for Lance, Keith is more than willing to help him through his reaction to the strange plants of this planet.

Phantoms and Friends by Emerald_Ashes
2k, Lance/Shiro, h/c,

After an accident during a training session, Shiro is left without his right arm for the night.

The Demon Haunted by slivered
5k, AU, Keith/Lance/Shiro, incubi, public sex, threesome,

“Well, what sort of self-respecting incubus rocks a mullet, huh?”

Heat of the Moment by GreyscaleCourtier
2k, Hunk/Lance, sex pollen,

Lance gets stung by a venomous creature on an alien planet. The symptoms are… unusual, to say the least.

i see the sky is on the ground by epiproctan
4k, Keith/Lance, Lance/Blue, masturbation, fantasising, pining,

Lance is pretty frustrated, but the Blue Lion is definitely willing to help her Paladin out.
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