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Once apon a time thare was a little girl.It was her first day of school and she didn't know what to
expeckt.She had no freinds at school and she was scared.When she got to school she kissed her mom
good bye and started to walk in the building when the prinsebe stopped at her.She was scared but she
did not panick.He asked her what her name was and stuff like that.She thoute this school year was
going to be asome.When she walked in to her class room Mrs.twinkel was waiting to see her.At the ened
of the day she hugged her teacher bye and got on the bus with her freinds Audrey and,Naveau and Rayna and started to go home when she had a fhite with Naveau and stated hitting her until she felt better.The bus driver saw this and that nexted morning she had to go to the prinsebles offes.Her mom did not know about it yett but the prinsebel was going to tell her.Audrey was was scared and so was Rayna.The teacher was mad at her and made her clean the fish tank.Then when she got home her mother was waiting at the door for her and did not talk to her until it was time to go to sleep and asked her about what she did and why did she even do it in the first place.The girl never anserd and just tured away.The next day she saw her princeble and said I'm sorry and went off to class where she mett mrs.Twinkle standing in the hall way.The little girl stopped and talked about her problems and asked if she could say sorry and walked into the room when she saw herself face to face with Naveaul.She did not know what to say and walked right past her.Naveau walked over to her and slamed her hand on to her desk.She was scared but her mom told her not to panick but to stay com.She told her you can not heart me.You big bully and Naveau walked back to her seat and pouted like a baby for the rest of the day.When I got home I told mommy how I worked it out with Naveau but shes still angrey with me.But I don't worry about it much iney more.I wen't on with my life and wen't off to collage with Audrey and Rayna and had a great time.
BY Rylie Blankenship
Audrey Sheahan
Rayna Ross
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