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The day I have been waiting is almost here! It was my very first gymnastics competition next weekend. My heart thumped, I swallowed hard. I knew I was against an unbeatable gymnastics team from Sportsplex. They were called, "The Ravens". My mind raced with negative thoughts. "Will I win, or lose". I thought. I knew I could win if I'd work harder. But, still, the ravens are tougher than ever. Last year, one of the team members did a perfect hand spring in the air. I sighed "Who knows, maybe I will beat the ravens" I mimicked.

The next morning, I woke up, breathing fast. I was thinking about the worst thing ever, Christine. Christine is a twelve year old, green haired bully at school. She's in seventh grade, two years older than me. She ran the voting club last year, and purposely, she got me out when I was supposed to be in 3rd place!! Christine was the star member of the ravens team and my team "The Wonder Cats" were up against them. My thoughts were all over the place. Suddenly I realized "MONDAY??" I ran to my dressing room and picked out what I would wear. I woke up my four year old sister, Libby. I raced to the bathroom and wore my clothes. Then, I brushed my teeth as fast as a cheetah. In a split second, I glanced at my read and blue watch. "Phew, it's only 7:00". I said with relief. I zoomed down the stairs for breakfast. "mmm, waffles" I yelled as I took my first bite of breakfast. I savored each and every bite I took of breakfast. Until, 7:20. I washed my white, silver plate with waffle crumbs all over. Just then, the bus was here, RUN!

I was finally on the yellow school bus. I grabbed a seat next to my black haired, nine year old best friend, Selina. "Hey Selina, how was your weekend". I asked. "Emma, it was great, we watched the ball game on Saturday night, and of course, gymnastics on Sunday". She replied. "Oh cool, I just went to acting class on Saturday, of course gymnastics on Sunday, and I hung out with Libby". I answered. That second, I saw someone, snapping at us. "Hey Selina and Emma." "Did you know what? Selina's too young for gymnastics and Emma's no good at gym!!, I know, UNBELIEVABLE". That was Christine. She stared back at us. Christine was a RAVEN! She was ready to beat us. She was the best gymnast on stage. "I'm not young for gymnastics, Miss Christine" Selina tried to yell out.

Afterwards, we arrived to a huge building, with a sign "James Madison Elementary, ages 9 to 14". Which, of course was our school. We hopped off the bus and rushed inside the brown doors of school. "Bye Selina" I exclaimed. I went right, where my class was. "Ding, ding" The bell rang, I walked inside room 27, where my class was. "All right, this is Mr. Johnson's science class, stay focused, room 27". He screamed. I thought about what Christine told us all morning, until recess. Selina was finally at recess and I could tell her what's going on. "Selina, Selina" I shouted. "Yeah? She answered, confused. "On Sunday, I am going to show Christine, what it is like to be beaten by a girl two years younger than her". I proudly spoke. "You know what Emma, I think we should ignore her, she won't do harm if we ignore her" Selina explained. "Anyways, let's go practice gymnastics with Madilyn". Madilyn was a green eyed, blonde haired girl, she was on our gymnastics team and in my class.

After school, Selina, I and Madilyn, sat together on the school bus. Christine humiliated us again "Now, it's Madilyn too?? Madilyn is the weakest, she'll make you guys lose". We turned away, Madilyn was annoyed. "Madilyn, just ignore her" Selina told her. "How was your weekend, Madilyn.? I questioned. "It was amazing, my big sister's birthday was Saturday, we went shopping and ate cake, and Sunday I went apple picking and to gymnastics, of course". She happily exclaimed. We talked and talked until it was time for us to get off the bus. We each walked home together and yelled "Bye". Christine got off with us and didn't say a single word. She just walked home, silently.

In the following days, we geared up for the compet

Days later, it was time for the competition. I couldn't contain the butterflies floating around in my stomach. My heart thumped, I swallowed. A drip of sweat poured down my forehead. Mom, dad, Libby, and everyone would be watching. I took a deep breath, I knew all my friends would be with me, Selina, Madilyn, although, Christine. Furthermore, I thought that Christine would humiliate me if I messed up. She's a JERK! Her team members would make me out within one back handspring. "UGGGGGH" I thought. "Emma Middleton" Coach Cristina yelled . I took another deep breath, "I will be all right" I whispered to myself.

It was time for the bars. I pushed myself around the bars and then got up on the bars and did a handstand. Next, I did a cartwheel. I leaped in the air as coach Cristina gave me a ten. I knew it was now time for splits. I did a split on the bars and walked across them. I took a look at Christine. I lost my confidence!! I did a backwards roll on the bars but it was kind of messed up, I got a six. Still, I aimed to do a forwards roll on the bars and my confidence pushed back up. My total score on the bars was a 37!! Which was perfect!!!

Now, it was time for vault and floor. First up was vault, I ran across the runway and stood on the springboard, I did one backflip, one front flip. Although, when the back handspring came, I thought about what Christine had said. I couldn't do it, I'd only gotten a five. I did another hand spring and my score improved, it was an eight!! Second up was floor, I did a handstand and got a seven, a cartwheel, nine, I did a split on the floor and got a ten, and lastly, I did a forwards and backwards roll and got a three. Why a three? I wondered. I got a 28.

It was the very final round and I had to prove I was amazing on the balance beam. I walked across the beam and did a front handspring as I walked. I did candel sticks on the way back and got a nine. For the finishing touch, I did five cartwheels on the way there and handstands on the way back. I clapped, I jumped up and down!! It was the best day ever, I got a 49!!
It was finally time for the results. In a flash, the announcer, Karen announced "Team wonder cats, have beat the ravens, with our three competitor's help, Selina Williams, Madilyn Brooklyn, and Emma Middleton". With high scores of 43, 46, and 49. "What now, Christine, you only got a 38 for high, but you did amazing!!" "Really" Christine shrieked, she could not believe her ears. Christine yelled "I thought I'd win and get a 53". She stared angrily at all of us, still feeling hurt and humiliated. I gathered all my courage and went up to congratulate her for her performance and comforted her, "you don't have to cry, you are our inspiration" I hugged Christine and we all realized the true meaning of friendship. We were going to start off as friends, not enemies anymore.
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