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Jupiter 11:58 AM
gg's! :3 forgot to message you last time, thought you deleted me
couldn't find you at first on the list
Asura 11:59 AM
lel idc
Jupiter 11:59 AM
Asura 11:59 AM
so much obessed from mura makes the game boring
Jupiter 11:59 AM
oh just thought you might of gotten bored of me
wait what
Asura 11:59 AM
let's say gg
Jupiter 12:00 PM
no, what's up?
Asura 12:00 PM
nah fam
Jupiter 12:00 PM
No, this is important
Asura 12:00 PM
what is?
Jupiter 12:00 PM
what you meant by obssessed from Mura making this game boring
Asura 12:01 PM
Jupiter 12:01 PM
It's bugging me because it made literally no sense
you hate Mura?
Asura 12:01 PM
Jupiter 12:01 PM
or me?
I am lost
Asura 12:02 PM
no point talking
Jupiter 12:02 PM
then why are we friends if you won't talk to me?
Asura 12:02 PM
Jupiter 12:02 PM
I don't get it
Asura 12:02 PM
what are you talking abou
are you mad or something ?
Kotori - 01/23/2017
Are you really ignoring me? ;-;

Kotori - 01/29/2017
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
Nope fuck it, you're too busy
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I'm dying rofl
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I literally drooled I laughed so hard
Are you upset?
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
well this is lame
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Im lame
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I was going to play with you
but I can't log in
oh oh wait, it's thinking
You're fun to pick on
You make it easy
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I got too scared.. I miss you. And I don't know how to deal with it.
I just want to be held
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I'm scared
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I don't know Mura, I just want all the bad to go away right now. I don't understand what's going on
For the first time in my life am afraid of dying.
Nevermind you are busy.. I just don't know who to talk to...
I'm just. I'm sorry.
Oh.. You deleted me. I am a wreck I... Im sorry. You want me to leave I understand.. I feel hopeless. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sorry I ever bother you. I'm sorry that I ever hurt you. I'm sorry for assuming I was just already in a bad place and felt so alone.
I can have all the friends in the world, but I feel alone if you aren't there. Sure people make me laugh, but the happiness is only temporary.
I love you so much and I will leave you alone. I am so sorry for everything.
Tell me you never want to talk to me again.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
Because I am an awful person
And no one should ever love me.
I don't deserve anyone's love.
I'm entirely worthless
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
You had my love
Kotori - 01/29/2017
But Mura I don't deserve it
I never deserved it
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
You rejected it
Kotori - 01/29/2017
And that's why you don't anymore
Because I don't deserve it
I will never be deserving of anyone's love
Because I'll never be able to live up to anyone's expectations
I'll never be good enough and I know it
I'm nothing, and I never will be. And now I'm nothing to you too.
Right buttercup?
Why am I even asking, I know you don't love me anymore.
You just said so
I didn't want to give it a chance because I'm never enough for anyone, and I know that I never will be Mura. And I can't handle anymore heartbreak or feeling like I'll never be enough for you. And it killed me inside because you wanted it so bad and it was the one thing I wish we could have just let go and just loved one another the way we did. But I get it now that if I'm not entirely yours you don't want me.
It slowly drove me mad that I could not give you what you wanted and I let it consume me.
And this is where I am now, with the Mura I love that hates me... rapidly losing weight and sicker than fuck.
And I feel so empty.
And alone.
And I'm worried about other girls because deep down I want to be everything to you but I know that I can never live up to it and it tears me apart because you're falling in love with someone else or already have.
And it's my fault because what I couldn't do drove you away...
Am I wrong?
Will you please talk to me, I'm losing my mind.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Not wrong
Kotori - 01/29/2017
And you are the only person that matters to me.
So you do love someone else?
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
But this is all my fault..?
It feels like there is several stakes going through my heart rn and like it's getting squeezed at the same time, it hurts to breathe...
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
idk if its your fault
Kotori - 01/29/2017
Mura my heart is acting weird
I'm scared
Really scared
It's beating odd
I don't know to do!
Tell me you don't love me, tell me every mean thing you want to say
I deserve it, break my heart.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Feels like a waste
I stood there after all my friends told me to stay away from you
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I love you so much
Just say you don't love me
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
"Mura, Jupiter is bad for your life stay away from her"
my response was
"I like her"
Kotori - 01/29/2017
No one should ever love me Mura
I'm not meant to be loved
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
And it hurts to be with her because she doesn't have the same feelings like i do
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I do.. but everyone leaves
And I could not stand you leaving too so I just wanted to keep a best friend forever
And animals
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
I was expecting to be loved back
but i was wrong
and the only one who stood there when i was crying was Harley and Dori
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I do love you Mura..
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
My best friends went to play games with Warden and Agony
Kotori - 01/29/2017
It hurts, I love you so much
Why didn't you just say stop?
I'd stop anything for you.
I'd delete anyone for you.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
You knew what was wrong with me since the beginning
But you didn't bother it
Kotori - 01/29/2017
You want what will break me because you'll leave too
Everyone does
You still want it after all of this?
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
After breaking my heart 3 times?
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I never meant to break your heart Mura
It was never intentional
You know how many times I told you that
I love you I could never purposely plot to hurt you.
You are my world right now, when you aren't with me I feel sick. When you aren't happy I'm sad.
Sure I can do other things but nothing fills the emptiness.
But I ask too much of you without even being yours and you get tired of me. You'd leave me in no time and I could never handle being yours and then being nothing the next.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
When i asked you out
it was because you were my world
But you rejected me
and i couldn't live with that
I wasn't expecting anything from you
be you
Kotori - 01/29/2017
Why.. didn't you say all of that?
I never expected anyone to be capable of loving me flaws and all, why didn't you say that?
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I wish I was never born, and I never hurt you because I couldn't read your mind and how exactly you felt about me.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
I was clear about it
You know how bad i wanted you to be mine
Kotori - 01/29/2017
But I did not know you loved my flaws
That's what drives everyone away
Because I'm not perfect
I'm far from it, and I never knew that you loved that.
I never knew anyone could love that about someone.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
scroll up
our chats
this and whats whatapp
i asked you out
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I can't find that on Whatsapp
And on here I'm on my phone
What's your point, please tell me
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
You rejected me because you got heartbroke in the past
like if i was one of those people
Kotori - 01/29/2017
You weren't
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
not even giving me a chance knowing how i am?
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I just assume everyone will learn to hate my flaws and I'm afraid of it.
Because I'm tired of being hated.
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I just want love..
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
i think i made it really clear that i loved you
Kotori - 01/29/2017
But I'm too scared
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
or that i do
Kotori - 01/29/2017
You don't anymore and it's my fault I knoe
I screw everything up
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
I gave you 2 chances
Kotori - 01/29/2017
It's kind of what I'm best at
I fucked up
I know
It's my fault
And I have to live with it
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
After a month and some weeks
i can't believe i know more about you that you do about me
Kotori - 01/29/2017
..You know more than anyone ever has
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
Sly wanted to talk to you
about how much you hurt me
he knew what was going on
Kotori - 01/29/2017
I need to apologize to him
Spooked Mura - 01/29/2017
I just can't believe you trust me
i mean
I can't believe you don't trust me
I wanted you to be mine but you can't trust me on that because you think im gonna hurt you?
Kotori - 01/29/2017
You know so much about me Mura, personal things
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