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Unit Conversions Using the Ladder Method
• Please study the ladder in your INB. What are the most common prefixes we have used in
Measuring and Lab Skills
1. What is the basic unit of mass? What is used to measure this? (FYI: If you need to move
the equipment, you should have one hand on the bottom and one hand on the side.
Never carry it by the beams.)
2. What is the basic unit of volume? What tools to we use to measure liquid volume? What tool
do we use to measure the volume of a regular solid? How do we measure the volume of an
irregular solid (hint: three words)? (Remember, 1cm3 = 1 mL)
3. What is the basic unit of length? What is used to measure this?
4. What is the basic unit of temperature? What is used to measure this?
5. What is the basic unit of time? (Think about your Measurement Stations Lab)
6. When you have a set of data:
a. How do you calculate “mean”?
b. How do you calculate “median”?
c. How do you calculate “mode”?
d. How do you calculate “range”?
• Refer to the “Great Graphs” notes in your INB.
• How do you label a graph? Where does the title go? What goes on the X axis? What goes on
the Y axis? DRY (Dependent, Responding, Y Axis) MIX (Manipulated, Independent, X
• FYI: A line graph is used to show changes over time.
Chapter 1 Section 1: Thinking Like A Scientist
• Refer to “Thinking Like a Scientist” lab and notes in your INB.
1. What is an observation? What is the difference between a qualitative and a quantitative
2. What is inferring?
3. What is predicting?
4. What is classifying?
Chapter 1 Section 3: Scientific Inquiry
1. What is scientific inquiry?
2. What are the steps of scientific inquiry? What do you do in each step?
a. What type of statement is used to write a good hypothesis?
b. What is the difference between a manipulated and responding variable?
3. Why is it important to ask a scientific question? What are they based on?
4. Why is having a control important?
Chapter 1 Section 4: Safety in the Laboratory
• This is also outlined in your lab safety contract.
1. What should you do if there’s an accident in the lab?
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