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Suha awoken flickering her eyes bothered by the sun, lighting her hair like a fiery halo. She lifted her head from the pillow, her dark locks tumbling down on her shoulders like a waterfall.


Suha pulled her hair out of the bun twirled upon her head and finger-combed the curls. Then outlined her lips with dark brown lip liner and snapped on her hoops—until she actually took a better look at herself in the mirror, and gave herself some time to take in her appearance.

Amira, her best friend, appeared inside the girls bathroom and stopped at the sink right next to her, she put her hand on Suha’s shoulder and squeezed so that they were now staring each other in the eyes. “I sense it, negative energy surrounds you.”

The perks of having a witch as a best friend, she has never been wrong about how she felt. Suha blinked a couple of times. The tears were coming out, because she could swear Ramone already began talking trash about her but before she could stop them, they burst out. She did not find this to be a good start. Besides—Ramone was the problem.

“Holy shit, what happened?”

She shook her head thinking back to earlier.

"I like you."

Those three words caught her by surprise. She hadn't expect him to admit it. The thumping of her heart grew loud in her ears and she could feel her cheeks heaten. His confession made her stomach quiver inside as if it were doing a million somersaults.

She'd often been told that she was beautiful—usually by 'male' friends in her group—and those complements had always made her feel uncomfortable. As a result, she turned down every confession from other boys and kept a wall over her heart, but the feeling this time...was different.

The confession from Ramone didn't make her uneasy, it made her feel different, and the way he looked at her made her feel special. So she mustered the courage to ask, "How much?"

"What?" He scoffed taken aback.

"How much do you like me?"

Ramone shifted uncomfortably, "A lot."

But then again, she wasn't as interested.

Suha didn't react, wouldn't let him predict the answer that she was going to give him. Even though she carried feelings for this boy, she didn't want to give in to his lame-ass response.

After a few minutes, she replied, "How pathetic."


She almost smiled at the fact that she had surprised him. "A lot? Is that the only response you can give me? How dull."

Suha felt an unexpected jolt when her palm made contact with his, and the strong pull making her land straight against his chest. Her breath caught in her throat as his arms wrapped around her and tightened lifting her off the ground. A yelp escaped her lips and her vision blurred, the feeling of being spun around sickened her and caused her mind to go blank.

His long dark muscular arms stopped midway and held her right in front of him. The 5ft tall girl was now looking straight at him in a daze and risky, he stole a kiss from those tender lips.

"A birthday present." He smirked. "And a good score for me."

She looked at him—the boy who had stolen her first kiss—the boy who had been her friends for five straight years—and began feeling a feeling of hatred towards him. Pure hatred, this was one moment she wasn't going to forget and she was sure to make him regret his actions towards her.

"Die." She said in the most menacing tone.

Ramone tilt his head back and laughed at the small girl who was threatening him. It was cute, this girl was incapable of doing anything.

Suha kicked and kicked ordering him to put her down but he refused, and began swinging her around again. Around and around, she felt the cupcakes she had eaten earlier making its way up to throat.

Karma was a bitch, and this was one stinky payback.

It was too late. Suha couldn't hold in the cupcakes and threw up all over him.


“Love doesn’t come with superficial fireworks and endless smiles.” Her mother warned as she caressed Suha’s hair and straightened it. “When you were born it felt as though the whole world was rejoicing and celebrating the birth of a beautiful girl.”

She couldn’t help but hide the blush tinging her cheeks with her dark soft strands. “You and daddy are perfect for each other, can you tell me now you met?”

“Let’s just say, he saved me, saved me from something that no one could.” Her mother turned off and put down the hair straightener, then she flattened her hair with her hands meeting her daughter's eyes through the mirror.

“Happy birthday,” She kissed her hair and tapped her shoulder. “Now hurry along and get ready, your father and I will be waiting for you downstairs.”

Once the door shut fully, she turned to look at Amira, her best friend, sleeping on her bed with one leg over the covers and the other half way off the bed. She must be exhausted by all the studying her mother forced upon her. Amira was a beginner in witchcraft, and most of the time she was either learning the education of grounding herbs of healing to help her mother, or studying recipes and spells in her mother's library.

At the moment, she was mastering the technique of senses and feelings. Amira had yet to fail when it came to sensing Suha’s feelings, such as when she was down and gloomy to when she’s happy and exhilarated. The way she described it to her, “In the middle of my chest it feels as though someone if squeezing my heart but it ranges from how down your feeling to how excited you are. So I know when you're happy because my heart gets warm. Right now, I only know how to sense your feelings but soon I hope I can sense other people's.”

Shaking her friend awake, “I’m up, I’m up.” Amira rubbed her eyes then looked Suha from up to down. “You look beautiful!” She exclaimed.



Her breath hitched in her throat, with tentative fingers, She roamed her hands on her arms trying to fetch a sense of feeling.


Nefertiti sat on her bed, remembering when she first arrived here.
“Come here, Annipe. The rest, you are all dismissed.”
“Ay, thank you my lady.” They said and bowed in unison.


“You may have my son, but Nefertiti has my heart.” Akhenaten stated a matter of factly to Kaya.
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