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Chapter: 30
Characters: Leo, Beatrice, Leo’s dad

This chapter starts with Leo arriving to the hospital with his dad to donate blood to Beatrice. He discoveres that he is the same blood type as her and because of this he believes that they are further linked together. Leo described what he went through to donate blood and he also describes his blood as being pure and immaculate for Beatrice. He describes his blood as being red and think like his love for Beatrice. Leo compares blood like love, how you can loose your head over it but also how it can give you strength.
After Leo has donated the blood, his father brings him to get breakfast. Over breakfast Leo’s dad asks him about ‘this girl’ and Leo describes her. His dad asks him if Beatrice is special for him and that’s when Leo asks his dad how he knew his mother was special. Leo’s dad tells him the story of their love, when they met, how they fell in love. At one point Leo asks his dad what they used to talk about and he says “the stars”. Leo’s dad explains how he was really interested in stars when he was younger. He then tells Leo how he gave his mother a star, and explains how he did this to Leo.
Leo’s dad, at the end of the chapter tells Leo how proud he is of him and by what he did (donating blood to Beatrice).

Leo ends the chapter telling us that he didn’t see Beatrice again as she was no longer in the hospital receiving treatment but at home. She had finished her first round of chemo. Leo says that he is sure Beatrice will get better because she is strong; she is too young and beautiful not to. Leo speaks to Silvia, and she says that Beatrice doesn’t want to see anyone. He says that because Beatrice has his blood in her now, they are closer before; inside they are united.

Chapter: 31
Characters: Leo , Niko

In this chapter, Leo says that he is very tired after giving blood and the nurse had warned him to take it easy. Niko tells Leo he looks ‘white, like death’ (death is the nick name of an emo guy they know). Niko tells us that there is a game today and that the team is now only one behind the leader. Niko doesn’t understand what is wrong with Leo and he asks what’s wrong. When Leo tells him that he donated blood, Niko asks him why he had to do it today because they had a game and in his eyes that is more important than anything else. Leo can’t understand how all Niko can think of is football and how he didn’t even ask why Leo had to donate blood.

Chapter: 32
Characters: Leo, Beatrice

In this chapter we learn that Beatrice has come back to school. Leo describes her as being whiter, thinner, her hair is shorter and has lost some of its redness (it looks more faded and less vibrant). Leo says that he wants to walk by her or pass her in the hall to tell her he gave her his blood. When she does see him he only smiles and she looks at him for a moment as if she recognises him in someway. Leo describes her smiling at him, the smile isn’t red as it normally is but its white. Leo says that she is the heart of his dream. He says that he no longer has any doubts and that Beatrice’s smile is what he has been looking for.
Leo says that she is all he needs in this world, and he now wants her to know. He decides that he will write her a letter to let her know this. He decides that when he goes home from school today that he will write her a letter. The letter needs to be the most red and the most beautiful thing he has ever done in his life. It needs to be perfect. Leo concludes the chapter by saying it’s funny how your dreams make you motivated to do things. It’s as if a superheroes blood has entered your veins.

Chapter: 33
Characters: Leo

In this chapter Leo writes his letter to Beatrice. It starts with Leo telling us that he has never written a letter before. Even though he looked online but all the examples he found were old letters. He likes the idea though that he will write something no one else has ever written. He says that he is emotional at the idea of it. There are a number of problems he faces when he tries to start writing. The first of which is that the paper has no lines. He started to write the letter on the computer but it felt too cold so he left that idea. He is concerned about how it will look because he says he doesn’t want to send her a letter that seems like an illiterate person wrote it. He then has the idea to put a lined piece of paper under the blank page and so he starts writing. He then says that this next part is the hard part.
(The letter translation is as follows. You can do a brief summary of it if you wish, no need to rewrite the whole thing)

Dear Beatrice, how are you?
The other day I saw that you were back at school, I smiled at you and you smiled at you. I don’t know if you remember. Well that’s me. The one with the crazy hair. Leo. I am writing to you because I want to be with you in this time. I’m not good at knowing what to say at times like these. If I have to pretend that I don’t know you’re sick then I have to pretend I didn’t donate blood to you, I have to pretend that I don’t like you. But I can’t pretend. I’m going to admit to everything, you are sick, I gave you my blood, I like you. Now I can speak more freely because I’ve finished with the most important things. You have to say these things or they build up inside you and become bad. I want you to that I am serious, because you are a part of a dream. Like ‘the dreamer’ said, well that’s not really his surname, it’s the substitute for Argentieri, and he always talks about dreams, that’s why he has that nickname. I have been looking for my dream. The secret is to ask the right questions. The right questions about the right things and to the right people that are in your heart and that are the things your heart responds to, the feelings. Do you have a dream? Have you ever thought about it?
I’m sending you a big hug and I hope soon to hear your news.
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