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1. Bad treatment: I was the first person working in the office with the founders, as a freelancer. Yet a person starting to work for Bitwala later got hired before me. As employee jubilees are celebrated in the comany, I get a reminder of this rubbed in my face yearly.
2. Bad Treatment: After freelancing for months, I get a contract. With 6 months probation.
3. Lie: When employing me, I was told Bitwala could not pay me more, although they would like to. At the same time I got my contract, another person got a contract for more than I.
4. Lie: I was hired on the promise of a raise at the start of next year (2017). Did not happen.
5. Lie: I was hired with the promise of Stock Options. I have none. A few weeks ago, you said it's gonna be at least another year. At least. This will then have been over 2 years. And I have nothing in writing to be able to make you abide by your word.
5. Bad Treatment: I was given more and more responsibility, yet no raise.
6. Bad Treatment: New hires, working below me in tech, get hired with way higher salary than I had at the time. Yet I did not get a raise.
7. Bad Treatment: After newer tech hires made 50% or more more than I for about half a year, I ask for a raise. All I was given an equalizer with the newer hire, and what a fight it wsa to get even that. And what about the months that you still paid me a joke while already paying others properly? Nothing. So now I have just made less and will never get this made up to me.
8. Bad Treatment: Even disregarding all aforementioned points, the raise itself was still a joke. It got me from a joke salary to a junior dev salary. While having tons of responsibilities.
9. Bad treatment: When I finally got a raise, I am told I have to take the extra money in tokens for the beginning, because there's no money. While others still got their proper salaries in full. Bitwala still had money to pay others properly, but not me. Also, these tokens do not exist to this day.
10. Bad Treatment: While it is completely fine for other employees to take off hours or a half day again and again without actually taking free days, because "thy have to take care of private things", I work my ass off and then get scolded for taking too many breaks. Some can take half a day no questions asked, yet I have to explain myself for a long shit. While having more responsibilities. And way less salary.
11. Bad Treatment: I have by far the most things on my plate in tech (apart from Ben). Yet I get given more and more critical things to own and take care of, to make sure they work, while at the same time other devs sometimes don't know what to do with their time. When those bored techies then ask Ben if they can do a bit more, Ben actually asks them (that have less resonsibilities and more salary) "Are you sure you can manage? Don't you have too much on your plate?". Made me absolutely sick to have to hear this while more and more work is being dumpd onto me and I am just being crushed under the workload as well as the responsibilities.
12. Bad Treatment: I was doing a de-facto leadership job (until everything started to turn to shit for me when I had to start doing tech support), yet I never got this acknowledged in either salary nor title.
13. Bad Treatment: I get a raise, but still only get the old salary.
14. Bad Treatment: I mention 11., and CONTINUE to get my old salary!
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