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James K. Polk laid out a 4-point mission for himself and the nation (then achieved all 4 points in 4 years). His goals were to…
Lower the tariff.
Restore the independent treasury (put U.S. money into non-government banks).
Clear up the Oregon border issue.
Get California
Trist's deal, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo had a huge scope…

It ended the war.
America got land, the Mexican Cession, entailing California, but also the future states of NV, AZ, NM, CO, and UT.
The U.S. would pay $15 million for the land, and assume $3.5 million in debts owed from Mexico to the U.S.
In essence, the U.S. had forced Mexico to "sell" the Mexican Cession land
Chief among the Young Guard was William H. Seward of NY. He was staunchly against slavery and argued that, when it came to slavery, Americans must follow a "higher law" (God's law), above the Constitution.
Meanwhile though, Pierce sent delegates to speak with Spain, England, and France in Ostend, Belgium to make a deal. The Ostend Manifesto said the U.S. would offer $120 million for Cuba, and if Spain rejected it, the U.S. would be justified in taking Cuba by force.
When the Ostend Manifesto details leaked out, Northern free-soilers were up-in-warms. The slavocracy theory seemed more real than ever with these secret dealings. As a result, Pierce backed away from the deal embarrassed
The North got the transcontinental railroad moved up North. Also, Kansas and Nebraska were officially organized as territories.
The South was awarded popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska. To do this, the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was repealed (because it forbade slavery above the 36°30’ line).
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