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After a concussion, the organ systems are affected, leading to physical and mental struggles for the affected person. The most affected system is the nervous system. During a concussion, the brain is frightened and pushed against the skull, damaging the organ itself. The brain is one of two parts that make up the central nervous system. With a wounded brain, messages and information can not be sent efficiently throughout the body. In addition, a study conducted by Mayo Clinic in Arizona found that dizziness that occurs in people who have suffered a concussion can be attributed to a damaged autonomic system. In the evaluation of 20 patients with concussions, the researchers found that almost all patients had symptoms of orthostatic intolerance, including postural stunning, exercise intolerance ... and significant abnormalities. .. consisting of excessive tachycardia and / or unstable blood pressure oscillations "(Goodman) Therefore, an obvious sign of causality was found from the results of this experiment, which reveals that the nervous system affects a concussed brain and These problems together have a negative impact and slower responses when it comes to learning, memory, mood and judgment.
The skeletal system is another system greatly affected by concussions. Inside the head, the skull covers the brain that floats in the cerebrospinal fluid. The brain receives support from the skull and cerebrospinal fluid, since both protect the brain from injury. However, when a concussion occurs, the brain trembles inside the head and strikes the skull, damaging both the brain and the skull. Extreme contact between the brain and the skull can also cause fractures and bone fractures. Then, it can bleed under the skull and the compressed brain tissue, directly causing more damage to the brain. In addition, ligaments inside the skull and spine can break, causing more physical damage to the brain and neck. Collectively, these injuries directly affect the negative symptoms of a concussion; Headaches, vertigo and discomfort in the head and neck are just a few of the many.
A third system affected by a concussion is the endocrine system. Repeated concussion and brain damage can cause traumatic brain injury. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland, two valuable parts of the endocrine system, can be found in or around the brain. When severe brain injury occurs, these aspects of the endocrine system can also be damaged, which can cause many hormonal problems that can affect an individual from a few days to a few years later. Adrenal insufficiency, diabetes insipidus, hyponatremia, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism and growth hormone deficiency are just a few of the many problems that can result from multiple concussions. Unfortunately, these people often experience fatigue, extreme weight changes, changes in blood pressure, and loss of muscle mass; however, you can get help with hormone therapy and IV therapy.
Finally, the immune system is affected to a large extent by concussions and brain damage. In the confused state of the body, it has been discovered that the immune system further damages the brain and its recovery time. A study by the University of Rochester Medical Center and the Cleveland Clinic found that "brain degeneration ... could be the result of an out-of-control immune response" (Boynton-Rochester). When a brain injury occurs, the blood-brain barrier opens slightly, allowing some proteins to enter the bloodstream. One of these proteins is S100B, a biomarker of traumatic brain injury. When S100B is filtered into the bloodstream, the immune system describes the protein as harmful and "virus-like", which causes the body to form antibodies and attack the protein. Unfortunately, "some antibodies pass through the damaged blood-brain barrier to the brain and begin to damage healthy brain cells" (Boynton-Rochester). By studying blood samples from 67 college football players, researchers at URMC and the Cleveland Clinic found a positive correlation between the number of head injuries received by a player and the quantity of S100B proteins in blood levels / autoimmune antibodies. As a result, the researchers concluded that as an individual suffered more injuries and blows to the head, the immune system inflicted more severe attacks on the body, especially the brain. This leads to the argument that repeated brain damage induces more degenerative brain disorders and problems in the future.
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