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1. Anti-Semitism
-hatred and discrimination of Jews. Stereotypes of the time include Jews being "diabolical (evil), secretive, sneak, dirty"
2. Aryan
-racial term used by the Nazis to describe a "race" they believed to be superior (blonde hair, blue eyes)
3. Blitzkrieg
4. Concentration Camps
5. Crematorium
6. Deportation
-the forced removal of Jews in Nazi occupied lands to ghettos, then concentration camps
7. Death Camps
8. Death Marches
9. Discrimination
10. Displaced Person
-one who has lost their home as a result of war
11. Euthanasia
12. Final Solution
-the Nazi term for the annihilation (extermination) of all Jews in Europe
13. Gestapo
14. Ghetto
-before being deported to concentration camps, Jews were forced to live in sections of their cities called "Ghettos." (No plumbing, disease spread)
15. Holocaust
16. Juden
17. Kristallnacht
18. Liberation
19. Nazi
-political power in charge during World War 2 officially called "National Socialist German Workers' Party" or NSDAP. Adolf Hitler was the leader
20. Persecution
21. Pogroms
22. Prejudice
23. Propaganda
-information spread (through radio and print ads mostly) that reflect the Nazi view that Jews were disgusting and dangerous to German society
24. Racism
25. Scapegoat
26. Selection
27. Swastika
-an ancient symbol that the Nazis used to represent their political power and Nazi movement
28. Synagogue
29. Yellow Star
-yellow, cloth "star of David" (Jewish symbol) sewn into clothing to identify the Jews
30. Genocide
31. Armistice
-a truce, or temporary half on fighting during World War one had an Armistice
32. Jewish Person
-a person who follows the Jewish religion. They were one of the Nazis biggest targets during the Holocaust.
33. Nuremberg Laws
-about 400 laws/rules the Nazis enforced against Jews taking away their rights as citizens (can't marry non-Jews, higher taxes, can't be out past dark, can't ride bicycles, can only for a specific time)
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