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Just thought I would share what is going on here in Pittsburgh. Mike had a stress test last week and came through fine, so now he will be able to ref basketball again, which he enjoys. He is still working, as he is afraid of the economy and our medical expenses. I had an MRI 2 weeks ago and saw the neurosurgeon last week. All is well for now and I see him again in a year. You don't know how thankful I am. I am about 95% back...still a little unbalanced in certain instances, but I am trying to do what I did before....I still hold onto a rail going down the stairs....
The property we have to Dad's store, and land...we had to have one building torn down, and still have the bakery. We have sold most of the contents of the store, and have to decide on a realtor. Hopefully one can move the property in this economy. My brother has stenosis in his back, and is getting therapy for that. He is 80 and still driving around town and walking when he can.
As far as my kids......Lisa and Matt are still in California. Lisa is still trying to have a child, so please pray for that miracle. Renee is here with her three girls, 9, 6, 2. Her marriage is falling apart so we have helped her out a lot. I just feel sorry for the kids........too many divorces these days. No wonder our world is so out of order. We suspect he may have a girl friend, and he wants the kids to be awarded to him so he can keep the house and not have to pay support. He is not my favorite son in law right now. Denise and jason are still in Va. and doing well with their two girls. The oldest...5- is going to the Catholic school there...rated one of the top 10 in the might be St. Agnes...I will have to remember that. Allison seems to like it....Evelyn will start pre-school there as soon as there is an opening. It is hard to get in. At least these Catholic schools are doing well in the DC area. Our area is closing some as there are not enough students. The economy is so bad and people can't afford the tuition.
We are having the same weather as you are now. Cold and wet. Matt is in for a visit and he and Mike go hunting every day after work....this is their kind of fun.........they are wearing heavy clothes as it is cold. We went to the shore in NC with renee and denises family and to Canada in Sept with Lisa and Matt, bear hunting. Fortunately they got nothing. We all loved Horton's coffee.........
Please take care, and keep in touch. I hope someday to revisit Monroe, and see you. Love, Joyce
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Regards; Team

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