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1. Find 5 vocabulary words in Chapter 7 that you are unfamiliar with. Look up their definitions online. Rewrite the definitions in your own words. Annotate them into your novel as well as writing them here. *
Your answer
emboldened pg 74
infanticide pg 75
thwart pg 76
capitulated pg 76
coccudiosis pg 77

2. Describe how nature has played an important role in this novel. (At least 4 sentences)
Your answer
Nature has played an important role in this novel because the animals each have their job in the farm. Nature also has played an important role because depending on the time of year and season, the animals act differently. In the winters, they work mostly on the windmill. In the spring and summer they work on the farm, growing food for the winter. In the winter, they starve and suffer but in the spring and summer don't.

3. How does the characterization of Boxer change in this chapter (chapter 7) compared to earlier chapters? (At least 3 sentences) *
Your answer
In the earlier chapters Boxer was always agreeing with whatever the leader said. However, in chapter 7 Boxer has changed. When Squealer says, that Snowball was a traitor for Mr. Jones from the start, Boxer questioned him. Squealer argued that Snowball didn't fight for animal farm in the Battle of Cowshed. Boxer said that Snowball did fight bravely for animal farm charging head on to the humans and even getting shot. Boxer changed because he questioned authority. He swears to work harder to improve the farm.

4. What caused some animals to stay loyal to Snowball? (Chapter 7)(At least 3 sentences) *
Your answer
Some of the animals stayed loyal to Snowball because they knew that he wasn't a traitor. The animals that stayed loyal to him because they knew that he was fought bravely in the Battle of Cowshed. They helped him weaken the farm.

5. Find 5 vocabulary words in Chapter 8 that you are unfamiliar with. Look up their definitions online. Rewrite the definitions in your own words. Annotate them into your novel as well as writing them here.5. *
Your answer
decreed pg 91
trotter pg 92
negotiations pg 95
treacherous pg 96
flogged pg 96

6. Which trait do you think has been MORE valuable for Napoleon as a leader? Intelligence or fear? Why? (At least 4 sentences) *
Your answer
I feel like Napoleon has been more fearful than intelligent. Napoleon as a leader, as not been intelligent. He's been breaking rules, making things up, and has used his dogs to enforce whatever he says. He makes up things that are not true therefore, he's not being intelligent. He also breaks the rules multiple times. He does whatever he wants because of his dogs that guard Napoleon. The dogs are scary and they threaten the animals so Napoleon is ruling with fear.

7. Irony is when something happens OPPOSITE of what we expect. For example, imagine a fire hydrant catching on fire or a cop being arrested. What is an example of irony in the novel so far? (4 sentences minimum) *
One ironic part of the novel was that all the work on rebuilding the windmill after the storm was completely useless. After the storm, they worked even harder to rebuild the windmill, making the walls twice as thick, and making the overall construction better. After all that work, a group of men from Pinchfield lead by Mr. Frederick attacked Animal farm just to have the windmill blown up. The animals were crushed to see their hard labor being useless.
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