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Chapter 3
-Holden reads "out of Africa"
-Holden meets Robert Ackley, a student at Pencey who, according to Holden, barges into the room, has poor hygiene, and has a very pimply face.
Chapter 4
-Holden and Stradlater joke about Stradlater being a "secret slob"
-Stradlater mentions he has a date with Jane Gallenger (whom he calls Jean)
-Holden known Jane, and reminisces about them playing checkers together. Holden wants to say hello but decides against it.
-As Stradlater leaves, Ackly comes in and squeezes pimples until dinnertime.
Chapter 5
-After Holden eats his dinner, he gets into a snowball fight with some students at pencey, including his best friend, Mal Brossard.
-Holden, Ackley, and Mal go down with the intention to see a movie, but instead play pinball and get burgers.
-Holden begins to write a english paper talking about his younger brother Allie, who used to copy down poems on a baseball glove in green ink. He recounts that his brother died of leukemia, and Holden is obviously still sad about it.
-After he finishes writing, he stares out the window and listens to Ackley snore.
Chapter 6
-After Stradlater comes home, he looks at the paper Holden had written (the one about the glove was for Stradlater's English class) and tells Holden that the paper is no good. Holden tears it up and throws it away. -
-Holden then lights a cigarette in the dorm, knowing it'll get Stradlater angry. The two boys get into a fist fight, and Stradlater pins Holden down.
-After another round of insulting, Holden gets up and goes into Ackley's room, covered in blood.
Chapter 7
-Holden gets bored with Ackley and decides he might leave Pencey for NYC today instead of Wednesday.
-As he leaves, he yells, "Sleep tight, ya morons!" He cries, probably with the thought of missing his beloved school.
Chapter 8
-Holden walks the whole way to the train station to catch the late night train to NY
-When the train stops in Trenton, NJ, an attractive older woman sits down next to Holden.
-He learns that this woman is a student at Pencey's mother
-Holden does not like this student, but lies and says he's a very popular kid
-When the mother asks why Holden is leaving Penecy so early, he lies and says he's going to NY for a brain tumor operation.
Chapter 9
-When he arrives, Holden wants to call someone, probably for a ride to his hotel.
-He doesn't think of anyone to call so he instead calls a cab to take him to his hotel.
-In his hotel room, he sees a variety of strange sights in other buildings. A man cross-dressing, a couple spitting their drinks in each others faces.
-Feeling "horny" he decides to give a girl Faith a call he met her at a party and while she's not a whore, she "doesn't mind doing it once in a while"
-She says she can't right now, on account of her needing beauty sleep. She offers to do it in the morning, but Holden can't make it then.
Chapter 10
-Holden changes his shirt and goes down to his hotel's night club, the lavender room
-He talks about his sister and says she writes fiction stories
-Her only flaw is that she's too emotional
-In the lavender room, Holden tries to order drinks, but the waitress refuses
Chapter 11
-Holden leaves the lavender room, and thinks about Jane
-He thinks about their summer home in Maine
-Jane was the only person that Holden ever showed the baseball glove
-After Holden remembers holding Jane's hand to comfort her after step father left
-Still wide awake, he catches a cab
Chapter 12
-Holden takes a cab to another nightclub, where he and his brother used to go
-At the club he gets a scotch and soda and eavesdrops on the conversations around him (which he thinks are phony)
-He runs into his brothers ex girlfriend and he leaves the club to avoid her
Chapter 13
-After leaving the club, he walks a long walk back to his hotel
-Walking in the cold he thinks about his gloves being stolen from Pencey and he thinks about confronting the thief, but he thinks about how he's a coward at heart
-When he arrives at his hotel, the elevator operator offers to send a prostitute to his room for 5 dollars, and Holden accepts
-While he's in his room waiting for the hooker, he thinks about himself being a coward
-His prostitute arrives, and Holden's very nervous
-He gets too flustered when she removes her dress, and asks her to leave, and pays her 5 dollars, to which the hooker demands 10 dollars. Holden refuses, and the prostitute leaves, angry
Chapter 14
-As Holden is about to go to sleep, a large elevator operator comes to his room, demanding the extra 5 dollars for the hooker
-Holden refuses, and the man pins him on the wall
-While Holden is pinned, Sunny, the prostitute, takes 5 dollars out of his wallet
-After taking a punch in the stomach, the two leave and Holden drags himself back to bed
Chapter 15
-When he wakes up, he calls Sally Hayes to set up a date
-While he puts his belongings into a locker in Grand Central Station, he thinks about his fragile mother who has been fragile since Allie died. He worries about her breaking down when she learns of his expulsion, because she seems to care quite a bit
Chapter 16
-After a quick breakfast, Holden takes a walk and buys a record called "Little Shirley Beans" for Phoebe (his sister)
-As he walks, he hears a child skipping by singing "If a body catch a body coming through the rye" He's touched by the innocence of this, and it cheers him up at bit

-Holden judges people based on how they look (Judging Ackley)
-Holden is worried for his mother
-In the middle of being a kid and grownup (Orders a prostitute but backs out)
-Afraid of confrontation (doesn't tell parents about being expelled, fights roommate instead of talking)

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