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Lack of Maturity
Children of overprotective parents are often years behind in maturity in comparison to their more free-range peers. Teachers further remark that these kids are highly dependent and insist on being assisted as much as possible.

Academically Ahead, Socially Behind
Oftentimes they are years behind in development in comparison to their peers. Of course, when parents excessively infantilize their children, it makes them socially, emotionally, and psychological retarded.
Even though these children earn high grades, they lack common sense.

Treated Like Children
Overprotected teenagers are often lost in comparison to their more free range peers. While their free range peers are free to explore adolescence in all its intricacies, the overprotected teenager is either kept under a severely tight rein and/or overly scheduled in activities of their parents' choosing. They are treated more like children than like the burgeoning independent adults they are becoming.
These teenagers often have quaintly inappropriate curfews for their ages while other peers have more relaxed curfews. Many overprotected teenagers become resigned to their parental influence, just accepting it as their lot in life. Oftentimes, overprotected teenagers accept their overprotective environment as normal. Some are so infantilized and passive that they believe that they can do nothing about it.

Outcasts and Pariahs
Overprotected teenagers are more at a loss in the high school environment than their counterparts in either elementary and junior high school. These teenagers often have nonexistent and/or extremely poor social skills.

Overprotected children end up to be failures in life in more ways than one. Overprotective parents are only damaging their children and either do not or refuse to acknowledge this.

25 Things Children Who Grew Up With Overprotective Parents Know To Be True
1. Spontaneous plans with your friends to watch a movie? Forget about it.
2. “Who are you going with? What are their phone numbers and addresses? What are their parents’ names? Have they been immunized?”

Here are 18 signs that indicate you may need to loosen up your parenting style:
-You Give Forever Punishments
"Children need to have a set limit on discipline for it to be effective," says Dr. Stacy Haynes, a licensed clinical professional counselor and CEO of Little Hands Family Services.
-You Never Let Your Child Go Anywhere With Other Children
Fear of missing out can drive anxiety in children. Blocking kids from activities with their peers can add to these worries and delay social development.

Lack of Self-Confidence
Overprotective parents send the message that their children can’t handle life’s challenges on their own. This can lead to a lack of self-confidence in these children.

Research of teens with overprotective parents, she adds, has found they are more anxious, less socially skilled, have poorer coping skills and higher rates of depression. In addition, they don't transition to college well.

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