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Notes -

>have a shitty dad who barely gave two shits and raised us shitty
>have a drug addict little sister, like 8/10
>she's out a lot fucking her dealer, no-one really gives a shit since she doesn't do anything that'll kill her
>she and I live together still
>she doesn't come home
>starting to get worried, go out to pick her up
>find her after like a half hour in some alley
>she's half naked (probably from fucking the dealer or something) against a dumpster
>high off her ass
>try to take her home
>doesn't want to come and bitches and whines
>try to convince her anyways
>she resorts to bribery
>she fuckin sucks at it
>"I can make you feel good"
>she's such a fuckin slut
>tell her to just get her ass up and come with me
>little whore's already all grabby
>she's stalling
>boner growing
>she notices
>"I know you want it"
>try to get her to shut the fuck up and come home like nothing's happening
>she's whining
>tell her to go ahead
>she wastes no time getting my dick out
>"I won't disappoint you"
>confused and angry and horny
>she gets her mouth on my dick
>really good head for a junkie slut
>just try and look away and pretend it's not gross
>cum buckets
>really fucking ashamed of myself
>but goddamn was she good, even while fuckin buzzed
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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