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?1. Acquired
buy or obtain (an object or asset) for oneself.
synonyms - obtain, receive, earn
"He had acquired several magical objects."
2. clammy
unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch.
synonyms - moist, damp, sweaty
"Her hands were clammy, she was tense."
3. disgrace
bring shame or discredit on (someone or something).
synonyms - shame, dishonor, degrade
"He dropped out of school and became a disgrace."
4. gingerly
in a careful or cautious manner.
synonyms - cautiously, carefully, warily
"They gingerly open the door, scared of what was on the other side."
5. glaring
highly obvious or conspicuous.
synonyms - obvious, unmistakable, striking
"The error in his plan was glaring."
6. incidental
accompanying but not a major part of something.
synonyms - secondary, less important, subsidiary
"The death was entirely incidental."
7. incredulous
(of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
synonyms - disbelieving, skeptical, unbelieving.
"He was incredulous at how smart the boy was."
8. irresistable
too attractive and tempting to be resisted.
synonym - enticing, alluring, tempting
"The meal looked irresistible."
9. nonchalant
feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.
synonyms - calm, composed, unconcerned
"His expression was quite and nonchalant."
10. rarities
the state or quality of being not occurring very often.
synonyms - rareness, scarcity, uncommonness
"Good food was a rarity at the camp."
11. reckless
(of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.
synonyms - rash, careless, thoughtless
"It was a reckless act that had landed them in prison."
12. roguishly
playfully mischievous
synonyms - arch, devilish, elvish
"The elves roguishly jumped around."
13. sagely
in a profoundly wise manner.
synonyms - carefully, intelligently, knowingly
"The old wizard nodded sagely."
14. sarcastic
marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.
synonyms - sardonic, ironic, snide
"His drawl was long and sarcastic."
15. sensitive
easily offended or upset.
synonym - touchy, oversensitive, hypersensitive
"The boy was overly sensitive and cried when he was yelled at."
16. stalked
pursue or approach stealthily.
synonyms - trail, shadow, track
"The lion stalked its prey."
17. stocky
(of a person) broad and sturdily built.
synonyms - sturdy, hefty, thickset
"The bouncer at the front was menacing and stocky."
18. sympathetic
feeling, showing, or expressing pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
synonyms - compassionate, caring, concerned
"He felt sympathetic for the mourning family."
19. fathom
understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought.
synonyms - understand, comprehend, grasp
"The thought was so far-fetched it was hard to fathom."
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