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Explore the Modern Data Center

Which building block of the modern data center architecture separates control functions from hardware components?
· Software·defined infrastructure

What three [3] tasks must be automated in a modern data center?
· Expansion of file system
· Storage provisioning
· Infrastructure discovery

What are two [2] advantages of using flash drives over hard disk drives?
· Flash drives deliver increased performance for traditional applications with better economics than disk drives.
· Organizations can reduce the number of drives required for the same workload.

What are two [2] characteristics of a converged infrastructure system?
· Self·contained unit
· Pre·configured

What is a hyper·converged infrastructure?
· Software·defined infrastructure on top of hardware components

What is a consideration when using flash storage?
· Cells are erased before being written.

What is an advantage of implementing server-side flash in a data center?
· Provides performance acceleration for read-intensive workloads and reduces response time

Which component in the storage controller provides the interface between the storage system and the compute system?
· Front·end

Which technique provides space·optimal data protection against multiple drive or node failures in a scale·out storage system?
· Erasure coding

Which component of scale·out storage systems processes the IO request for applications?
· Controller

What is the function of unified management software?
· Interact with all standalone infrastructure element managers through the elements’ native APIs

What accurately describes a software·defined storage infrastructure?
· A storage infrastructure managed and controlled by software

What is a benefit of software·defined infrastructure in a modern data center environment?
· Enable faster provisioning of IT resources

What is a benefit of cloud·enabled systems?
· Provide the ability to scale IT resources dynamically by leveraging a public cloud

Which characteristic of cloud computing enables monitoring and reporting of resources consumed by a user?
· Measured service

Which solution enables an IT system to operate as expected in the event of a failure of one or more components?
· Fault tolerance

What is an example of a data source in data protection architecture?
· Primary storage

Which data protection solution tracks all the changes to the production volumes and maintains consistent point·in·time images to restore data to any previous PIT?
· Continuous data protection

Which security control has the ability to remotely wipe the data on the enrolled devices when a threat is detected?
· Mobile device management

In which security control technique is data encoded and made indecipherable to eavesdroppers or hackers?
· Encryption

Which service delivery component enables access to the service catalog and facilitates provisioning in a modern data center environment?
· Self-service portal

What does the service automation function encompass in an IT environment?
· Automated service management and orchestrated service delivery process

Which activity is an example of capacity management of an IT infrastructure in a data center environment?
· Analyzing resource consumption trend

Which operation helps in identifying the failure of an infrastructure component that leads to degraded performance?
· Availability Monitoring

What is the function of orchestration software?
· Integrates and sequences various system functions into automated workflows

What is knowledge and skills analysis?
· Finding gaps between desired and current state

Which activities are performed by the Service Operations Manager?
· Provide early warning for service issues
· Monitor service performance and availability

Which tasks must be performed while defining the IT service center model?
· Establishing a service catalog strategy
· Identifying required processes and integration points

What is a DevOps principle?
· Develop code in small chunks, and then test and implement it quickly in production environment

What is a function of modern IT governance?
· Define service portfolio and service catalog management processes
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