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Macbeth timeline (downfall)
- Macbeth is presented as a hero and is praised due to his bravery in battle
Described as 'valiant' 'nobel' 'brave'
- Macbeth and Banquo see the witches and listern to the prophecies about Macbeth
Becoming king and Banquos son becoming king. Macbeth wants to know more about
the prophecy where as Banquo ignores the withches. Showing Macbeth's ambition. Tells the withches to 'stay you imperfect speakers'
- Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth about how he needs to kill Banquo and when he
has second thoughts she questions his masculinity, leading him to agree to kill Duncan. Showing
how Macbeth is easily manipulated by people in this case Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth refers to him. Lady Macbeth to Macbeth “When you durst do it,” she says, “then you were a man"
- Macbeth has a vision of a bloody dagger. Once Macbeth has killed Duncan he cannot bare to go back into the room (showing his guilt). He states 'Is that a bloody dagger I see before me'
- Duncan is dead and Macbeth becomes king. Hail Macbeth!
- Macbeth Starts to become paranoid and has Banquo and his son murderd however his son escaped. this shows how Mabeth has now killed one of his best friends due to paranoia (foreshadowing)
Banquo states 'O'treachery '
- Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost at banquet . Showing that he is going a bit crazy. Lady Macbeth try's to pass it of as a illness. Macbeth asked aggressively 'which one of you has done this'
- Macbeth goes to see the withches. They tell him to 'beware Macduff' and 'one of women born shall harm Macbeth'
- Macbeth has lost all remorse and lets his paranoia control him as he has all of Macduffs family killed. Meanwhile Lady Macbeth has lost control of Macbeth and is now going crazy due to guilt and later dies, but It doesn't seem to have an effect on Macbeth. Macduffs son to Lady Macduffs 'he has kill' me, mother'
- Macbeth has become a tryrant and is not afraid of anything, as he believes he cannot die.
- Macbeth still believes he cannot die even though an entire army comes towards him. Macbeth is killed by Macduff as he was born from caesarean. Macbeths last words 'lay on, Macduff and damn'd be him that first cried,' 'hold enough'

Could be controlled by:
Himself : lust . Unconsciously doing it himself in control of his fate
Other people: people dying, teasing him. Is he shaped by people around him
Supernatural: god, devil, Demonds and witches. A puppet to the supernatural (witches)
All true, but not
Lady Macbeth is in control??
Macduff killed Duncan ?? Who really did it ?
Did witches draw him to them ? Power of direction? Have witches set up meeting with Macbeth (scene 3) ? Omnipotent to Macbeth. Is Macbeth in control or are the witches
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