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what is wrong with don't hug me I'm scared episode 5 well it seems to show the can eating the duck alive well the thing is I noticed was that there's a bunch of problems with the episode. the thing I saw was red guy leaving at the end it seems to me like when they say something different that they are trying to get a point of some kind across its like they are showing you the healthy stuff but it's not it just makes it seem like the kind of food like sandwiches are bad but they aren't when he says he needs to go I think he's learning something is wrong they do say pies are unhealthy I would agree but there's just something weird about I don't quite know yet. Crap there's something I didn't see oh no its Roy I sware he's the one making them stay but the red guy is the one who created it the duck says I need to go but the can say but wait they say everything makes your teeth go grey they also say just eat some yeast and it will all go away that's not entirely true we shouldn't believe them it says nothing about it weird. The can say you look to be a bit hungry the can is the duck's body is what I noticed there's an eyeball in the spgedill you see the red guy in the background that means he's watching his friends get eaten alive but the thing is you see the can eating the duck in the burly vision like that's creepy there should be a new creepypasta about this shit. Like damn its creepy but the problem was the can was eating the duck alive I know there's something wrong about I haven't found out what it is.
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