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+Warface - PvP or PvE lobby fps, has co-op campaigns/misisons, class based (medic, sniper, etc), modern-era

+World of Warships - vs bots or PvP lobby naval combat (not arcade but not simulation), class+nation based (american/japanese destroyer, cruiser, etc), ww1-ww2 eras
[Jay has played - stopped playing because friends stopped]

+Card Hunter - PvE co-op Collectible cards (has PvP option) + DnD Boardgame, class based with racial tweaks (warrior, priest, or wizard)(human, elf, or dwarf), fantasy

+Vindictus - PvE co-op dungeon crawler with action elements, class based with gender-locked classes (though has equivalents for both genders), fantasy
[Jay has played - stopped playing because takes 30 days to reuse a deleted character's name]

+Warframe - PvE co-op action/parkour/"ninja" dungeon-ish crawler, use a variety of ranged+melee weapons, and different suits that grant different powers, sci-fi
[Jay&Tom has played - stop playing because new game came out]

+Atlas Reactor - 4vs4 X-Com, plan your moves first, when finished everyone's planned moves happen at the same time, seems to be hero/class based, soft sci-fi

+Ghost in the Shell: First Assault - Lobby fps, hero based with abilities (can share powers with teammates) customizable weapons, future-ish

+Block N Load - PvP or PvE modes lobby, fps hero based minecraft, PvE includes survival mode, minecraft

+Tiger Knight Empire War - PvP army Action rpg, looks like Warband, Chinese menus?, three-kingdom war-ish

+Dirty Bomb - PvP fps lobby, class+hero based, able to get "loadout cards" that modify heros or their weapons (from mods to different weapons), modern
[Jay&Tom briefly played - stopped playing because Jay couldn't run with old computer]

+Dungeon Figher Online - 8 direction rpg sidescroller co-op beat 'em up, PvP battles exist, class based, gain skills/gear, modern?-steampunk?

+Paladins - Hero based moba-based fps, "free to play overwatch ["that is a compliment]"", heros with different abilities and ults, can create loadouts for heros (choose passives, including how strong they are), futuristic?-fantasy?

+Fractured Space - spaceship based moba, choose crew of ship as well as which ships to use (different abilities, toughness, roles, etc), full x-y-z axis piloting, sci-fi

+Hawken - lobby based mech fps, different mechs have different speeds and weapon loadouts and passives/abilities, fast paced, arcade-ey, sci-fi

+MWO - lobby based mech fps, many different types of mechs each one being highly custonmizable, slow and methodical, simulation-ey, sci-fi
[Jay&Tom played - Jay stopped because developers were being too cash-grabby with little too show for it at the time, Tom stopped because not a fan of the genre]

+Tribes Ascend - lobby based fps, "sanic fast skates" and jetpacks, class based, future?sci-fi?
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