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M3 in ”is primary sector in India

Pas: five I mpact: Negative I mpacfs‘

' Technology and fertilisers hay; been 0 Because Technology has improved, used so more crops can be grown in fewer people are needed to work on smaller spaces. farms, so there are fewer jobs for

0 Farming still employs over 50% of the people in the countryside population and supports many people in e Farming relies on heavy rain from the rural areas (countryside areas) monsoons. If there is not enough rain'

cro s will die.

Changes in the secondary sector (manufacturing) in India

Positive I mpacrs' Negative Impact: 0 The 'Make in India’ campaign has a Growing manufacturing has led to air a encouraged TNCs (large companies) to and water pollution; for example, the move to India: for example, Boeing Ganges River is now heavily polluted (airplane manufacturer) has moved and Coca Cola extracted too much some production here water in Kerala

o India now has some large manufacturing companies like Tata, who own Land Rover in the UK

Changes in the tertiary sector (services) in India

Positive Impact: Negative I mpacrs

o The growth of people working in better a The services sector employs fewer paid service jobs has led to a larger people than primary or secondary middle class who have more disposable industry: many Indians have struggled income . to find work in big cities like Mamba:

. India is now a world-leader in 161'. 0 Lots of people move to cities for Many Indian call centres for companies better paid Jobs in the tertiary sect“: ‘ like 81' have grown rapidly because but, as there are not enough houses Indian People can speak English Ezzszezone, shanty towns have


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Regards; Team

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