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- Passport and a paper copy of it
- Travel Insurance (not mandatory)
- Flights Reservation / Tickets
- Trains Reservations
- Hotels Reservations
- Various: Guided Tours, Bus
- Bring the documents with you, do not put it in the luggage

- Master Card or Visa Card
(try not to use the card in April and verify the max amount of money you can spend with your card traveling abroad)
- Change ¥ to € in Japan
- Change back € to ¥ at the airport in Spain before leaving (they change the coins too!)
- Bring the money with you, do not put it in the luggage!
- When outside the Hotel, bring with you the Card, some money and the Passport copy

- Verify the number, dimension & weight of the luggages on the airlines web page
- Consider the number of luggages during the flights reservation
- You want to leave enough space for souvenirs!
- Spring in Europe it's almost the same as in Osaka: a light jacket, casual dressing (sweatshirts & t-shirts), comfortable shoes, sunglasses
- It's not so easy to buy an umbrella in european stores: consider to bring with you a small & light one
- Verify the Hotels offering a laundry service

- The time difference in Spring is "-7" hours from Japan clock: Italy and Spain have the same clock
- Italian Restaurants: breakfast 07:30-09:30, lunch 12:30-14:30, dinner 19:30-21:30
- Spanish Restaurants: breakfast 08:00-10:00, lunch 13:30-15:30, dinner 20:30-22:30
- Shops usually are opened 09:00-13:00 & 16:00-19:00 and they are closed on Sunday & festivities
- Shops accept cash money more than cards, in particular when you pay for small amounts: you don't use the card to pay a coffee ☕
- There are no automatic vendor machines in the streets: if you want a bottle of water or a snack, you need to find a shop or a bar
- Avoid international restaurants (Starbucks, etc...), fast foods and street foods: they are not cheaper and they offer bad quality food
- At lunch/dinner we drink wine, beer or water: coke or other drinks are consumed only with snacks
- You will not find sticks at the restaurants: we use fork and knive
- It's common to eat/smoke while walking; smoke is usually brohibited in closed spaces; there are trash baskets along the streets
- Make noises while eating is considered bad manners
- If you have a cold, blow your nose with a tissue: the usual japanese behaviour is bad manners

- There is a bit of street criminality in the big cities, especially in crowded places: if someone stops you on the street, ignore him and continue walking; don't offer carity to homeless people; when walking, keep everything in a closed bag 👜
- Don't drink too much or use drugs: the laws are severe
- Trains, bus and metro Ⓜ are not "in time" as in Japan: be at the station before the starting time and wait patiently; don't be afraid to ask informations to the people waiting near you
- You can use taxy 🚖 but they are very expensive and not easy to call

- If you need informations, ask the Hotel personnel and in the big cities you can find turists info points, too
- Do not be afraid to talk or to ask questions to restaurant, bar or shop personnel: we are always happy to help tourists ☺️
- The common language is English, but a lot of people don't know it well. So be patient or use some phone app to communicate
- Be tolerant, be patient, smile and have fun: we are very open-minded and friendly people 😉
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Regards; Team

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