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Engineering Tri-Fold Project By: Nadia White
1. What is a civil engineer?
A civil engineer is a person who is part of our lives. They are the person, you see
designing and building, the building you live in, bridges you walk or drive in, airports,
you go to, and roads that we see every day. They build the energy sources that clean
the water we drink.

2. What does a civil engineer do?
A civil engineer design and helps build the roads, bridges, apartment buildings,
house/ homes, ETC. Civil engineers help us drink clean water, help us have a good
source of energy and electricity.

3. How does a civil engineer do their job?
Civil Engineers use science and math to have the right structure so that it isn’t
leaning to one side and then a bridge to low down that a car can’t pass under it. Civil
engineers use modern tools that you see everyday (maybe). They use global
positioning systems and geographic information systems. Tools like those are used
to solve problems with structures, resources, transportation, environment, and
water. A civil engineer also uses information technology to create new ways to
protect infrastructure from weather or terrorist attacks.

4. What kind of education does a civil engineer need?
A civil engineers must major in math and science to learn how to solve real world
problems. Taking math and science will strengthen their abilities to think clearly and
expressing their ideas in writing, orally, with logic and clarity. For most civil
engineers, it is recommended to take computer science classes. Along with all these
classes and English class.

5. Where do engineers work?
Civil engineers are far from working at your average desk job, some engineers will
work at many different settings from modern day offices to job sites in the remote
desert. Civil engineers are always traveling to work, at the sites, the engineers may
work with professional personnel or in groups or teams. Most civil engineers will
work for firms that hire them to work on a project. Even some join the military to
work and manufacture pumps, steel buildings or pipes.
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