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OpTic vs Godsent on de_cache - ELEAGUE Major - review

first this is my opnion, obviously and im not 100% right and u guys are more than welcome to agree or disagree and share ur thoughts

IMPORTANT NOTE: no timeouts used as CT and a single timeout used on 14-8, the timeouts are not necessarily used when ur close of losing, u have two timeouts per half - not even gonna talk about the ct side cos imo if u used the timeouts and adapted sooner than u did u guys couldve made it a 8-7 half or something and as soon as they made 12 or 13 rounds as T imo u shouldve timeout'd already to breath and share opinions on what u guys could do, sometimes and in-game u dont have much time to share ideas and say whats going on in all sides of the map, this is the time where someone could step up and bring ideas for the next rounds, then yes the timeout at 14-8 was correct.


1st gun round as CT: u guys have the surprise factor to make use of it or just play default and see what ur ops gonna do, u chose
to do the default one, and as soon as u guys lost mid control, u were stuck on sites without any attitude, lost info on all sides of the map, respected them and got punished for it cause they hit from every side, ends up u guys lose the round losing the duels and being unable to rotate anywhere

round 7 - 2nd gun round as CT: 1-3-1 - was alright, JW gets a fast peek door and they knew u guys took mid with more than 1 person so they just made use of it with jw's peek and went out

round 8 - 1-1-3 setup pushing b - imo alright decision, could make it 1-2-2 w a guy going fast vents, or w a fast counter boost incase they push A - or a 2-3 (leaving mid open) and then u guys on A could do a bait setup with an awp quad-site and 1 guy boosted shroud, this way u can bait each other and atleast manage to kill a few opponents before the b rotation comes, or, u can also leave an awp car just to delay the plant A and work on a retake, theres a lot of options, u guys won a 2v2 clutch this round but leaving a rifler A trying to solo is too risky imo

round 11 - they know mixwell isnt a b player, so when he got the first kill they just pushed through the smoke cos they found out he was alone, risky move from them but paid off, they had a shit ton of utility for the postplan so would be extremely hard to retake but, u guys decision to go 3 guys vents, i think its very bad, to many spots to cover once u go down and u block eachother its so easy for someone to just dbl-triple kill all of u cause u can barely trade each other

round 12 - another good example that u guys played super passive, GODSENT were so comfortable on a main and squeaky that they had a ton of freedom to just make use of all their utility properly and just walk out, think u guys played too passive on that side of the map, havent seen a boost shroud or anything, could maybe abuse of the fact JW was going door most of the rounds by himself like a retard without even flashing and also put some pressure a main early-mid game to put some pressure on them, even if u lose the round they know u guys like to push so they'd be afraid to just rush it like they did most of their defaults

round 14 - bingo u guys finally pushed a main, killed pronax rushing w the bomb alone and won the round, this is a perfect round to see how comfy they were feeling and u guys made a good read

round 15 - they didnt even took A main and were clearly afraid of u guys pushing again, JW was holding it from the back w his awp and pronax went squeaky, this is where u guys could try the surprise factor again, what kind of team pushes A main twice in a row, couldve died by jw but couldve worked and once again surprised them with something that DID work for u guys before, why not make use of it in a game where u guys desperately needed to do something to win CT rounds cos the default wasnt working - u guys lost mid control then decided to push A main, good decision and by doing that allowed u guys to play the 4v5 situation way better, pronax threw the round by going connector with the bomb and they tried a b split - u guys clearly started to understadn what was going on and adapted a lil bit too late, but its a good sign


round 19 - first gun round - default into A execution was alright, but there was no forklift smoke and jw killed 2 of u from there going thru the smoke and he was not blind at all - small detail that cost u guys momentum and the round imo

round 21 - u guys do the cross smokes mid and that totally caught their atention, they started pushing b to get info, they focused on mid and left 1 guy alone on A at car, when u play against a team like godsent whos super aggro and always over rotates and doesnt really play passive its so easy to just mess with their heads and rotations, the things JW does can be sometimes unpredictable but this is their worst nightmare and they struggle a lot against structured teams cause they lack patience in most of the times
so in this case u can either just trow the smokes and wait for them to do stupid shit or yeah u can just do the cross smokes and gamble going out in one of the sides, theres a nice strat that u can do this 2 smokes and let 3 guys go out squeaky-doors right after u guys catch ppls atention on mid

Round 24 - u guys played good until the 3v2 situation, this is where u guys should just group up and trade each other, instead, u guys splitted to go A and died 1 by 1, rush and tarik couldve gone together on A main but instead rush ran too much and died while tarik was far behind and couldnt trade
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