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Internet's Own Boy:
Very well educated when he was young. He liked learning and teaching. He was very curious and he questioned everything. All of them had computers. But Aaron Swartz loved his computer much more than the others. He became involved with computer programming. He helped build RSS. He was very young but he saw that the technology was imperfect. He's personality is that because he is smarter than you, and if he was smarter than you then he would teach you. He was trying to fix the world. When he went to high-school, he didn't like the teachers and classes. He was very frustrated and he knew he just wanted to get on the web. He was passionate about the copyright law. He flew from Chicago to New york about the copyright law. He was only 15 years old then. The adults regarded Aaron Swartz as an adult. He got hospitalized. He got a company called Y combinator. He made info agami and when it failed he helped make Reddit. Conde Nast decided to buy Reddit. He didn't care where he lived or what he wore. He only cared about the web. He didn't like it when he went to the Conde Nast office and he gets himself fired by not coming to work forever. He always said that programming was magic, he wanted to use his magic for good and not for money. He wanted to be like Tim Burner Lee. He started a Romantic Relationship. He was very optimistic about his life. He started some websites like Open Library and He wanted to make the public domain for the public domain. But Pacer earned too much money. He found 2.7 Million pages of the PACER. He wanted to learn all the systems. Normal people are locked up and they can't see any historical document. Only people who have enough money can read the book. Back then, if there was a researcher and they made a great discovery, but they would have to hand it over to the government. He gets a new computer and he keeps on illegal downloading historical document The government found the computer but instead of unplugging the computer, but they wanted to film him at work to make a case. The police get him the next night. He gets prosecuted. July 14th he gets indicted, he surrendered and they put him in jail. After he pays a large fine and he leaves, Jstor drops the case `and decides not to pursue the case. The governments just want to use him as an example. There were other hackers but they still tried to get Swartz instead. The MIT could have said something in the case but they didn't. They didn't want to involved in the court. Soon they wanted to get a bill that would ruin all the freedom online. But everyone started to sign the petition to say no. The others thought money would beat alot of people but they were wrong. Soon everyone tried to flip sides because major businesses did not support the bill. (the bill is called SOPA) SOPA believed in censorship. Then they started putting great pressure on Aaron, taking his money and threatening to take his freedom. On July 10th 2012, he said one of his last speeches on online. He soon got isolated with his family and he was emotionally vulnerable. He hated how his actions were restricted he tried to act like he wasn't scared but he was. He suicided when he was 26 from his Boston Apartment. He stood upfor his own rights. He left no suicide note. He was 'internet's own boy' and everyone was grieving. Many people wanted to fix this problem and fight against censorship. After since he died, they some lawyers worked on lots of Aaron's charges and they called the act, Aaron's act We can't change the fact, but we can change the future. And now there is a 13-year-old kid and he made the discovery of cancer medicine. Without access of Jstor, he might have never found the answer.
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