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Heartless Monster (placename)

I can feel my heart breaking.
My unsteady hands shaking,
now that you've left me alone,
tearing through my skin and bone.
I can hear the ferocious ravaging
as you go through my body, scavenging
for the last piece of humanity
that would resolve your mindless insanity.
But, you're a monster in sheep's clothing,
an odious creature filled with loathing.
You'll find nothing to make you less inhumane.
Nothing could make you any more insane,
than the immoral, bitter beast you have become
preying on anyone you can succumb.

I can feel the claw marks desecrating my skin,
cutting intricate patterns on the silk of my lungs within.
You've lost interest in the broken girl I am,
moving onto the next unfortunate little lamb.
Do we all look like fools to you foul beast?
Though I bet you don't care in the least,
whether we stand up to fight back,
whether we decide to make a spectacular comeback,
because we're just pawns in this game
of cat and mouse and pass the blame.
You've crushed our wills in the palm of your hand,
made us do your every whim and command.
We're done with you ripping our hearts of paper,
Sick of being the newest article in your newspaper.

I can feel the dying embers of the ensnared casualties.
Thanks to you, they are the latest tragedies.
You've left us stranded in a world of pain,
there's no one but us to hold the blame.
You've left a broken path in your wake,
getting your hands on everything you can take.
Beasts like you are why we are afraid to sleep,
afraid to be refined into another of your domestic sheep.
Is this just a sick game to you?
Don't you understand what we have been through?
You've torn our bodies apart for your own gain,
thinking you're an immortal colossal that can't be slain.

A Broken Machine
Broken minds and clanking hearts,
missing the major pieces and parts.
The continuous clank of the cogs,
the putrid burning of stolen logs
that powered the dark, industrial city,
stolen money and stolen liberty.
Damaged beyond repair and under corrupted control,
watching as their fatal mistakes took their toll.
The impressive clockwork was missing its gears,
the city left to face their fears.
The towering buildings now their tombs,
broken, crumbling and filled with poisonous fumes.
Smothering smog from the dying souls,
hung up from the banisters like broken, little dolls.

Must I tell you?

There's a thousand stars in the sky,
yet my sight cannot pass yours by.
You shine brighter than the rest,
a feat that sparks my interest.

But you've left me stranded.
The sailing ship has landed.
The growing bud has been burned,
the grassy field has been upturned.

Must I tell you how much I love your smile?
Yet, every time I talk, you become hostile.
You're my life jacket and my saviour,
yet you treat me with this imperious behaviour.

Why must you light up a pyre?
Burn my feelings in the flaming fire?
You're left me broken,
my feelings have been left unspoken.

Why do you run when I get near?
Push me away because of your fear?
What is the root of this terror?
The clammy palms? The unnerving tremor?

Must I tell you how much I love your eyes?
Yet to tell you would be unwise.
You're my light source in the dark,
my lifeline and my monarch.

I'm told that you love me?
Yet love for you is too high a fee.
Are you scared that I will leave?
The damage to your heart I will cleave?

Must I tell you how much I love you?
How many obstacles I would push through
to be loved back,
to make a spectacular comeback.

Must I tell you how much I love your smile?
The one that makes my heart skip a mile.
Must I tell you how much I love your eyes?
The ones that can tell no lies.
Must I tell you how much I love you?
Even if you don't love me too.

A Long, Cold Road

I am lost on a long, cold road.
Darkness is my only friend.
There's no light to guide me,
Deep wounds that I need to mend.
But there's nothing to see.
There's nothing to hear.
It's quiet as the animals flee
From when I come near.
Surrounded by the towering trees,
I'm hungry and lost.
I'm weak in the knees,
I've lost my life at such a heavy cost.
Fighting this uncertainty,
That I'll never find the path.
Following this twisted melody,
Running away from the evil laugh.
Walking on breathlessly,
Running from death's cold grasp.
Traversing the terrain recklessly,
Finally being caught in his dark clasp.

No name - work in progress

Our monsters lurk in every orifice of our skin,
urging us and pleading us to commit crime and sin.
Only they could have made us abandon our own child,
leaving them in the care of strangers while we 'reconciled'.
Only they could have made us drink ourselves silly from the guilt,
of all the unnecessary blood that had been spilt.
Only they could have made us push away all those who cared,
isolate ourselves from the world we had entered so unprepared.
Only they could have made us hit our once beloved family,
shattering their lives with our barbaric brutality.
Only they could have made us bring the doomed substance to our lips,
spinning in endless spirals as our grip on our sanity slipped.
Only they could have made us commit these crimes for our own gain,
but all we received in return was guilt, denial and pain.
Only they could have made us bring the fated gun to our head,
to rid the world of these monsters, but it didn't matter whether we were alive or dead.
Because the monsters would continue onto another innocent little soul,
spinning their webs of lies until another was possessed by their control.
Our own battles start with our own monsters that plague our mind,
destroying the bond that keeps us immortally intertwined.
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Regards; Team

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