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#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <queue>

using namespace std;

struct Edge{
int v1;
int v2;
Edge(int v1, int v2){
this->v1 = v1;
this->v2 = v2;

struct Vertex{
vector<Edge> adj;
bool visited = false;
int distance = INT32_MAX;

struct vertexComparator {
bool operator()(Vertex i, Vertex j) {
return i.distance > j.distance;

int main() {
int numberOfBuildings;
int numberOfFloor;
vector<Vertex> graph;
vector<int> distTo(numberOfBuildings*numberOfFloor+2);

for(int j = 0; j < numberOfBuildings*numberOfFloor+2; j++){
Vertex v1;

for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFloor*numberOfBuildings; i += numberOfBuildings){

for (int k = numberOfBuildings; k <= numberOfBuildings*numberOfFloor; k += numberOfBuildings) {

for(int j = 1; j <= numberOfFloor; j++){
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfBuildings; ++i){
int n1;
graph[(j-1)*numberOfBuildings + i].distance = n1;

for (int k=0; k<numberOfFloor-j+1; k++){
if(i != numberOfBuildings)
graph[(j-1)*numberOfBuildings + i].adj.push_back(Edge((j-1)*numberOfBuildings + i, (j-1)*numberOfBuildings + i + k*numberOfBuildings+1));

bool* visited = new bool[numberOfBuildings*numberOfFloor];
for(int j = 0; j < numberOfBuildings*numberOfFloor; j++){
visited[j] = false;

priority_queue<Vertex, vector<Vertex>, vertexComparator> q;

int current = 0, final = numberOfBuildings*numberOfFloor + 1;


while (true){
if(current == final)
for (int i = 0; i < graph[current].adj.size(); ++i) {
graph[graph[current].adj[i].v2].distance += graph[current].distance;
visited[graph[current].adj[i].v2] = true;
} else {
if(graph[graph[current].adj[i].v2].distance < )

int startPoint = 0;
// Set is a data structure that is implemented via red-black trees(something like AVL).
// It always has the minimum element at the 0th index. The good thing is it is iteratable
// while priority queue is not which enables coder change the things inside the set. You can make use of this feature though in this code I did not.
// Note that this is a pair set(pairs are sorted according to their first fields). But you can
// construct a vertex set using the comparator above. I don't know why I did not.
set<pair<int,int> > distances;
// Starting point has 0 distance to itself.

int closest = startPoint;
// While the set is not empty go on
while(distances.size() > 0) {
// If the vertex is not popped out of the set before process it. Otherwise
// you dont have to do anything. Note that the latter will occur if a shorter path
// is discovered to anu of the vertices.
if (!visited[closest]) {
visited[closest] = true; // visit the node
vector<Edge> discovereds = graph[closest].adj; // Get the new edges from thr graph.
int distToV1 = distances.begin()->first;
graph[closest].distance = distToV1; // Since the vertex is popped out of the set the shortest path to it is found.
// Push the new edges into the set.
for (int j = 0; j < discovereds.size(); j++) {
int v2 = discovereds[j].v2;
int w = discovereds[j].w;
distances.insert(make_pair(distToV1 + w, v2));
// Now erase the head of the set
// Now the closest is the new head.
closest = distances.begin()->second;

return 0;

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