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If you were a student still would you want the school days to be longer? I don’t, and that’s my argument. I think that school days should be left the way they are right now. Extending the school day would make it harder for students to learn, harder for students to catch up, and harder for students to finish everything they need to.
If you had a long work day would you stay focused the whole day? If the school board adds more time to the school day then it will be harder for students to retain all of the knowledge they are learning. As the day goes on everyone get tireder. For example if someone were to have an eight and a half hour work day then they would get less focused on what they were doing, the same goes for students. That being said, extending the day would make it harder on students to learn. All in all, the school day is long enough as it is.
Missing school is something almost every student has done in their life, whether it was because of a doctor's appointment, being sick, or even they were going on a vacation, it is going to happen. With the normal school day if a student misses one day the makeup work is moderate to hard depending on what they were missing, but if they day is longer it will be harder for students to makeup all of their work and not get behind on anything. This shows how a longer school day would make it harder on students.
With the normal school day I personally have two hours to do whatever I want after finishing my homework, chores, eating dinner, and showering so that I get enough sleep so I’m not tired and worn out at school. Extending the day would make it so i have thirty minute when i don't have extracurricular activities. Another example of how the extra time would affect students negatively is, if a student plays sports then they have to stay after school everyday for about 2 hours, also some students have to have jobs so that’s another three or four hours a day then they have homework, chores, dinner, shower, and have to get into bed on time to not be tired during the next day of school. That seems next to impossible to me. These examples are small bits of why the school board should not extend the length of the school day.
Extending the school day would make it harder for students to learn, harder for students to catch up, and harder for students to finish everything they need to. I think that school days should be left the way they are right now. Mental, emotional, and physical health always comes before school and extending the school day would not let students have good health and good grades.
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