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Shailendra (Listening)
Shailendra: Hi, my name is Shailendra. How may I help you?
Adam Kuhl: Hello! I've had an issue with loading games since I updated to the newest driver about two days ago now. When I try to load a game, it freezes/crashes, and sometimes results in my computer needing to be restarted.
Adam Kuhl: So yeah, can't play games anymore, unfortunately. I tried talking with an agent yesterday, and he said to follow steps such as install DDU, etc. etc., and then install this Hotfix driver. He said that all ought to work if this is a driver issue. I did all of that, but alas, here I am still...
Adam Kuhl: Perhaps the diagnosis was wrong with the first agent too so I don't know...
Adam Kuhl: Just a bit lost here really.
Adam Kuhl: Might'ya be able to help?
Shailendra: I will try my best to help you in this issue.
Shailendra: Are you able to access NVIDIA Control Panel?
Adam Kuhl: Let's see, /I'll try to now.
Adam Kuhl: Yes, it's open.
Adam Kuhl: Oh... it seems to not be responding.
Adam Kuhl: So, it's open, but no I guess I cannot access it since it's not responding lol
Shailendra: Please run the Windows update once and install all pending updates.
Adam Kuhl: How do I do that?
Adam Kuhl:
Adam Kuhl: Is that the window?
Shailendra: Select Start , then select Settings > Update & security > Windows Update, Check for Updates
Adam Kuhl: Okay, I clicked on check for updates. About how long is it going to take to finish checking do you know?
Adam Kuhl: Because I believe I got to this place yesterday when I talked with a customer support person but it didn't finish checking in a very timely manner...
Adam Kuhl: So is it necessary to wait on it?
Shailendra: Yes, we have seen sometimes due to Windows update different kind of issues occurs, hence we are trying to update the pending Windows update first.

We will wait for sometime and check if it works
Adam Kuhl: Ok.
Adam Kuhl: Can you go to the gyazo link? It's a screenshot, maybe it will help provide some quicker context or?
Shailendra: Yes, you have 57 important updates pending, also please check the optional updates, check if any NVIDIA update in optional updates
Adam Kuhl: Where do I go to check on optional updates?
Shailendra: The screenshot you provided, it says 57 important updates, 9 optional updates.

Please click on 9 optional updates to check for optional updates
Adam Kuhl: Yeah, that was from before I clicked on check for updates. Now I'm here:
Shailendra: It is checking for updates
Adam Kuhl: Yep, but I never got to see the optional update stuff you told me to check on
Adam Kuhl: So how do we get there?
Shailendra: Please check the first screenshot, in first screenshot it is showing 57 important updates and 9 optional updates.

In same Windows you have to click on 9 optional updates and it will show you the list of 9 optional updates
Adam Kuhl: I'm not on that window anymore, I'm on the second screenshot's window. How do I get back to the first screenshot so that I can click on the optional update stuff?
Shailendra: Please wait for sometime, windows might be checking for updates now.
Adam Kuhl: Ok. After it gets done checking for update, we will go back to the first window?
Shailendra: Yes, after checking for updates, Windows update will show you information about pending updates.
Adam Kuhl: Ok. It's gonna take a while I imagine?
Shailendra: Yes, this might take sometime to finish
Adam Kuhl: Ah ok then.
Adam Kuhl: Ah finally it's done.
Adam Kuhl: Ok, so I click on 9 optional updates are available?
Shailendra: Yes, please install the important updates first and after that check for optional updates also
Adam Kuhl: So, do I click on the "57 important updates are available" button, the "9 optional updates are available" or the "Install updates" button?
Adam Kuhl: I take it the last?
Shailendra: Please click on install updates first to install all pending important updates
Adam Kuhl: Ok.
Adam Kuhl: So far it's installing update 28 of 57 just so you know.
Shailendra: Okay
Adam Kuhl: Won't disconnect us during the wait will it?
Shailendra: If your system restarts within 120 seconds you will be connected to me.
Adam Kuhl: Ok, if it doesn't restart within that time frame then what will I do?
Adam Kuhl: Also, what if it doesn't successfully finish installing the updates during the restart?
Adam Kuhl: My laptop has been prone to that many a time...
Shailendra: If issue with Windows update, this issue might occur due to operating system files
Adam Kuhl: And how might I go about resolving that?
Shailendra: For issue issue with laptop operating system file you have to check with laptop manufacturer for getting operating system reset.
Adam Kuhl: Ok. So, lenovo customer support for example?
Shailendra: Yes
Adam Kuhl: Ok. Is there any way to get back with you if it takes longer than 120 seconds so we can resume things if they do successfully install/update?
Shailendra: You will receive email from our side, in case chat disconnect, please reply to email or you can login to chat again
Adam Kuhl: Ok.
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