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Fundamentals to Java Programming [Summary]

1. Operators
2. Variables
3. Data Types access modifiers
4. Conditional Statement
5.Iteration Statement
6. Access Modifiers

When coding with Javac you want to start with a textedit application to start writing your source code, then you want to compile it with JDK and interpret it with the JDK. Sometimes, you want to use an IDE for java such as Eclipse or NetBeans as they are good for having a source code editor,compiler, interpreter, all in one sweet pakage.

When programming the first thing you want to do is type in class and define that class in square brackets make sure only to put the name of that class

Public is an access modifier giving access to this source code to the public basically

If you don't want want to create an object in your source code, then you type in the word Static.

Also if you don;t want the computer to return a value, then you want to type in the word void.

Know that the java language is a case sensitive language, so make sure Static has a uppercase S

Each set of codes is separated by curly brackets, meaning these {}.

The second thing you want to do with your code is add an access modifier to it called Public (So everyone can use your code and see it)

The next thing you want to do is add the method Static so we don't create an object since all were doing is make a line of text appear.

Another thing is you want to add the keyword void so their isn't value showing up in your line of text.

You also want to type in main as the main method you start with as it will allow you to create objects and variable and statements.

You then want to create another class

This is how you create an object [classname] [objCLASSNAME] = new classname ()

You then want to declare a method class method (data type number, data type number)

You then want to have your method carried out

obj(method).Distance ()

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