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In my eyes it's not a problem of parties, but a problem of peace.
How to create a strong coalition for peace. The elements are now in place, for a finally approachable peace. When we notice that the Palestinian leadership wants a Palestinian state, more than it wants to see the destruction of the state of Israel there will finally be a two-state solution. The untimely death of Yasser Arafat makes the two-state solution, a real possibility. I call the death untimely, because his life could've ended five years ago, and today instead of discussing the issue that has been discussed countless times, we could've been celebrating the anniversary of the Palestinian statehood. Our thoughts on the decision to turn down the Clinton Barrack plan for the Palestinian statehood was characterized by the prince Bandar bin Sultan al Saud of Saudi Arabia as quote "a crime against the Palestinians, in fact a crime against the entire region; a crime and the death that it needlesly caused can never be undone." But it's time to move forward, to ensure that the crime is never repeated. There are two possible resolutions to this unstable situation: The Shakespearean solution, and the Checkovian. In a Shakespear drama, every right is wrong, every act is revenge, every injustice is made right, and perfect justice has prevailed, but in the end of the play, everybody lies on the scene, dead. In the Checkov display everybody's dissilusioned, embittered, heart broken and dissapointed but they remain alive. We need the Checkovian solution for the Israelian-Palestinian tragedy. The ending will require sacrifices, but not in the means of another uneccessary loss of human life. The sacrifices that are destined to be made are those of belief, pride and hatred. The minority or a majority group spreading words of hate, and seeing anti-semitism and anti-islamism as a proper way of conducting everyday life, need to be stopped. We are willing to embrace and moan the victims that have suffered from this unneccessary depiction of our strenghts, but we need a strong word that guarantees the safety of our citizens, of our religion and of our homes from the poisonous weapons, words and actions taken against us.
The Israelian Jewish people, and our government will never accept a solution of the separation of our holiest- Jerusalem. The Temple mount will never be denied, and the Kotel will never be abandoned. The two-state solution could work completely fine without having our holiest site divided by those that spend decades destroying and defiling it. The innocent people of Jerusalem have suffered enough in the past century, and we will never allow them to be ousted from their land, their homes and their families.
The holy city of Jerusalem has never had peace for the three major religions, until it was under Israel sovereignty, that there can be any vision of freedom for all races and religions. Social, human and economic rights were only equal under Israeli rule, the only period when Jewish people did not live in this city, wa
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