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Hey !My Gracsiii !! Today is valentine's day !! So....Happy Valentine's Dayy!!! Very sorry that today i have no transport so i am unable to drive you out and hang out with you my dear :(( Know you don't mind not to have celebration today but still...sorry la ho Nerddy many things got limit can't make it perfect for you :(( but Nerddy is trying his best to give Gracsii the best of him , who is Gracsii? That's you my love <3 Actually i already had a feeling that today is gonna be special? Something special is gonna happen? Kinda like Surprise? Idk xD
Anyway just wanna say Thank you,thank you for being my girlfriend ,thank you for being understanding, thank you for all the bullies that you had done to me,letting me eat something that i think i will never eat in my entire life ,some things that i will never do in my entire life. Let's continue the GGness kay? I know sometimes many food i do not know how to eat but you are still so understanding and help me eat although sometimes you are a bit naughty wanna bully me ask me to eat the food that i don want to but Nerddy still boleh la ho xD .You know ma Gracsii? i very love you ooo!! From the first time i met you till we become friends then become bf and gf,i treasure it ,i treasure every second i am with you it is worth it and i wanna tell you,You look really beautiful and pretty when you smile. i love your smile Grace :) . Oh Oh Oh ! Wait ! For sure there will be some bad habit of mine that you don't like or there are some bad habit of you that i don't like in our further but what's love? Love is not about loving the good side of a person only but also the other side of a person.I love you meaning that i love everything about you not just something about you.So let's help each other and make each other becoming better kay? i will learn to 多多包容 多多宽恕 in our relationship de!! :))
At last... I love you Gracsiii <3 800 个 memeda and hugg hugg for you... Weeeeeee!!! Happy Valentine's Dayyy
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Regards; Team

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