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Once upon a a far away kingdom was a very bright young teenager her name...was Avina she was shy but bright..she knew her way around her dad passed on as her mom left her at a young age she was carried on by a strange lady of NY her name was....Dell she was dull and cruel..Avina was carried on by Dell and Dell had one girl...her name was Kella she was mean and snobby...Avina had a small room in the basement.....She didn't deserve what came her way lets just say she had a rough time making friends...but there was this..Under The Sea Dance that was near Avina couldn't wait to go that was all she talked about and Dell did not aprove at all so she decided to do something she thought she would never do...she put something in her food lets just say Avina got ill VERY ill...Dell said it was for her best! But that didn't stop her she was gonna go! she made her own BEAUTIFUL! BLUE! dress..So it was the night of the dance The Under Sea Dance but there was a problem Kella stole her dress for her own and Dell started laughing as it was funny...Avina ran to the basement crying she wondered what she shall do but there was only one thing to do...Use her moms old dress...She looked at the dress and knew it was the perfect dress!!! But she had to hurry the dance was about to start and her one TRUE love!! his name was...Joseph but she had to hurry before Kella stole him away so as she got dressed she prayed for luck! She rushed to the dance and thought it was to late....Kella had stole Joseph or she was time for the spotlight dance he picked a random girl lets just say they had masks on u didn't know who was who...He picked Avina though he didn't know it Avina danced through in through...Till the clock hit 12:00 am she ran because she knew Dell and Kella would be home soon so she rushed and dropped her mask he said ( Joesph: I didn't get your name ) he picked up the mask and smiled...Avina got home rushed to the basement and got dressed back...And as soon as Dell walked in the door she YELLED! AVINA! Avina answered quickly ( Avina: Yes Dell? ) Kella told Her mom (Dell) That Avina was at the dance Dell said ( Dell: non since child she was here cleaning! ) Kella said ( Kella: But i saw her mom! (Dell) )...The day after the dance..Avina went to school and saw Joesph he lined up every girl in school to see if the mask was hers but he said ( Joesph: None of them look right in the mask i'm just not feeling it. ) a couple days later at the school assembly she was gonna tell him but Kella tried everything to get him to feel right with her but he pushed her away and then as soon as Avina tried he said he felt that it was right and he couldn't believe it was Avina the whole time she said ( Avina: Soooo you can't believe it's me because im a kind of a maid? is that why? ) ( Joesph: No no that's not why! ) but she didn't believe him so she walked away...The next day they ran into each other at school she wouldn't talk to him he explained it all out she finally believed him! Kella was angry and tried everything to break them up but it didn't work because of their strong realationship. Three Years Later...They got married and Lived Happy Ever After..

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