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Speaking Test Script
Sharina: Sanjana? Is that you? Sanjana: Yes, hi! We were classmates in Primary school am I right! How are you? It is so nice to see you here.
Sharina: I am doing good! Do you live here in Beijing?
Sanjana: No, I am actually here for a holiday with my family. Do you work here?
Sharina: Yes, I do. I have been working here for the past five and a half years.
Sanjana: Wow, that is a long time! My family and I are planning to go shopping. Can you recommend me any nice affordable areas in Beijing to shop at?
Sharina: Sure! The nearest shopping malls are located about 500m from this place! Just turn right when you go out from this place then walk all the way straight!
Sanjana: Alright, I really like your dress too! Where is it from?
Sharina: Thank you! It was $9.95 from H&M Beijing!
Sanjana: That is so cheap; seems like shopping here will be worth it!
Sharina: We have great sales this month, some go up to 50%!
Sanjana: The sale season in Singapore usually only gets up to 20% for most shops so I will have to grab this opportunity and shop as much as possible/ till I drop!
Sharina: Yes, you should! The last I met you was at your wedding, am I right?
Sanjana: Oh yes, that was 15 years back! I have a son and a daughter now.
Sharina: Wow, time flies! What are their names and how old are they?
Sanjana: My son Tom is 6 and my daughter Pammy is 9. Are you married with children?
Sharina: Yes, I am married but we have no children. My husband and I just got married 3 months back so we have yet to have children.
Sanjana: Congratulations, I did not know!
Sharina: Yes, it is hard to keep in contact these days; everyone is so busy with their own lives.
Sanjana: That is true but thanks to social media, we are now able to find friends online as well
Sharina: Yes. What do you work as?
Sanjana: I am a lawyer.
Sharina: Oh yes, I remember! You (mentioned that you) wanted to take Arts and Commerce subjects in Secondary school.
Sanjana: Exactly! I finally figured out what I wanted to do as a career at 16.
Sharina: That is great! I am a businesswoman
Sanjana: What subjects did you take in university?
Sharina: I took business management
Sanjana: We have both definitely come very far from our Primary school days.
Sharina: Yes, I am so glad we have!
Sanjana: Oh, do you know what time it is? I need to meet a friend at 4.35pm at the restaurant across the road.
Sharina: It is 4.30pm, you should go! It was great seeing you here.
Sanjana: Yes, it was! Give me your contact number so that we can stay in touch.
Sharina: Sure, it is 97536614.
Sanjana: My contact number is 8321 0678. Take care!
Sharina: You too, Sanjana. Goodbye!
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