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1.Simile - a descriptive technique that compares one thing with another, usually using 'as' or 'like'.The trees stood as tall as towers.
2.Metaphor - a descriptive technique that names a person, thing or action as something else.The circus was a magnet for the children.
3.Personification - a metaphor attributing human feelings to an object.The sun smiled at the hills, ready to begin a new day.
4.Pathetic fallacy - a type of personification where emotions are given to a setting, an object or the weather.The clouds crowded together suspiciously overhead as the sky darkened.
5.Onomatopoeia - words that sound a little like they mean.The autumn leaves and twigs cracked and crunched underfoot.
6.Oxymoron - a phrase combining two or more contradictory terms.There was a deafening silence
7.Emotive language - language intended to create an emotional response.A heart-breaking aroma of death filled the air as he surveyed the devastation and destruction that had befallen them all.
8.Flattery - complimenting your audience.A person of your intelligence deserves much better than this.
9.Opinion - a personal viewpoint often presented as if fact.In my view, this is the best thing to have ever happened.
10.Hyperbole - exaggerated language used for effect.It is simply out of this world – stunning!
11.Personal pronouns - ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘we’.You are the key to this entire idea succeeding - we will be with you all the way. I can’t thank you enough!
12.Imperative command - instructional language.Get on board and join us!
13.Triples - three points to support an argument.Safer streets means comfort, reassurance and peace of mind for you, your family and your friends.
14.Statistics and figures - factual data used in a persuasive way.80% of people agreed that this would change their community for the better.
15.Rhetorical question - a question which implies its own answer.Who doesn’t want success?
16.Clear, polite imperative language
The language that you choose to use when writing to inform should be precise, and where required, imperative. This is language that instructs the reader and is often used in recipes, directions and other texts used to inform.
17.What, where, when, how and why
This helps the reader to understand the information and ensures that you are being precise. It makes sure that you prioritise the content of the text for the reader. Start with what they need to know, then want they want or would like to know. It is essential to include relevant information.
18.Be specific
Informative writing provides readers with key information linked to the topic, location, time period, process and possible reasons why. A simple way to remember this is
19.Be factual

When writing to inform should avoid biased information wherever possible. This is to make sure that you are not manipulating the reader’s ideas or viewpoint in any way. You are simply providing them with the information to form their own viewpoint.
Consider how the language needs to help you to achieve the purpose of your writing.
Be ambitious with the vocabulary that you choose to use when including literary techniques within your work.
Make sure that the technique fits with the mood of the piece of writing - ensure that the language you choose helps you to fit the genre of the text.

When you are persuading people, you usually use a different style. You don't need to show both sides - all you have to do is present your ideas. For instance, imagine you had to persuade people to buy a certain toothpaste. You could write about the great taste, or how clean your teeth feel or how white they are. It doesn't really matter what you find to write about as long as you get them to buy it

Be definite - if you are writing about how great chips are, keep repeating the idea. Convince yourself how good they are - they might even be a healthy option, because lots of doctors are bound to like them and chips wouldn't be so popular if they weren't really great, would they? Once you have convinced yourself, it's much easier to convince others. So next you need to remember to...

Be positive - it's always better to hear how good your idea is rather than how bad other people's are. So write about the things that show your ideas in the best light. For instance, aren't chips just great for a quick snack? Why were chips voted the most popular option in our school at lunchtime? And finally don't be frightened to...

Be pushy - If you don't seem too sure, or if you can't make your ideas stand out, then you aren't really persuading as much as you can. And if that is the case, you need The Persuaders' Toolkit.

Use questions - why would you use questions? Well, they make people think. They also get your readers involved in what you are writing. So will you use them when you persuade? If not, why not?

Use feelings to push ideas - words are your ammunition. In seconds, they can make your friends laugh, or your teacher angry, so why not use them properly to persuade your readers?

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