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The Russian Federation as a geopolitical entity with a territorial dimension and unique
potential at the global scale, naturally has proportional strategic intentions, which,
along with its millenary history, were not always tempered by its also immense limitations.
This permanent struggle between intentions and capabilities, and especially the
knowledge of not always knowing the exact boundary between the two, is assumed as a
fator that marks substantially the strategic thinking of their elites.
Currently, it can be affirmed that, without much margin of error, the country is in a
new phase of recovering its strategic influence, process which is only possible due to the
leverage provided by its vast natural resources.
However the phenomenon of global decompartmentalization, initially focused on
the economic level, but progressively and rapidly complemented and boosted by the geopolitics
and geostrategics which naturally tend to follow it, encompassed more limitative
dynamics to the reconquest by the Russian Federation of his previous internationally
status, than opportunities. In this context, the harmonic and efficient management of
the typology of responses to these inverse dynamics by the Russian Federation, will
be the biggest challenge on the elite´s decisional matrix in this new cycle the country is
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Regards; Team

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