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Hi, my name is Abi. Today I will be explaining phases and eclipse. First let me tell you that the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around earth. As the moon revolves around the earth, the changing relative positions of the moon, earth, and eclipse. The same side of the moon always faces earth. Let me tell you alittle bit about the phases of the moon. Well, the phases of the moon depends on how much of the sunlight faces the earth. The moon goes through all sets of phases throughout the month or even a year. The cause of the moon light is the sun's reflection off of the moon. But since the moon, just like earth revolving around the sun, revolves around earth. We see the moon at different angles. We also have eclipse. Eclipse is when an object in space comes between the sun and a third object, it casts a shadow on that object. So when the moon’s shadow hits earth or earth’s shadow hits the moon, an eclipse occurs. It also takes 29.5 days for a full moon to occur. Do you know the Solar Eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse? Well if you don’t here are some information to help you understand. First let me tell you the the Solar eclipse occurs when a new moon blocks your view of the sun. So the very darkest part of the moon’s shadow, is call the umbra. Only people within experience a total solar eclipse. We also have penumbra. What is penumbra? Well, penumbra is when the moon casts another part of it’s shadow that is less dark than the umbra. Only people in the penumbra see partly eclipse. Whenever it is extremely bright during the solar eclipse,half of the sun is still showing,but yet if you look up at the sun without eye protection it can cause your eyes to get damage.So now, let’s move on to Lunar Eclipse. Well Abi what is Lunar Eclipse? Well Lunar Eclipse occurs at a full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun. During a lunar eclipse, earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon. I just want to end by saying I can’t wait until the eclipse this year, i heard that it’s coming in August. So yeah, I hope you guys are prepared and be careful out their. Well I hope that is everything I covered up. See ya soon!
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